
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Punchin', Punchin', Punchin'

Why do I like boxing so much? I just can't understand it. Now, I know why I could never stick with exercising: I hadn't found an exercise I actually had fun doing, with the exception of swimming, a slight problem for this midwest mama without a pool. I have exercised for 8 days straight--that's right! I boxed everyday except Saturday, when I did the Wii Active. I really pushed myself tonight to the point that my arms felt like they were whipped bags of air--perhaps I've turned into that Verizon wind-balloon thing they stick in front of their stores to catch your attention? Who knows! After I finished two warm-ups and a full workout (totaling 34 mins), I did the jogging/punching exercise for an additional 9 mins. Woohoo! And I thought I did a lot yesterday with my measley 40 minute exercise! Ha! I've already reached the "Special" lessons in boxing, though, so I'm hoping I will continue this drive to exercise despite repeating lessons that I have already practiced.

I did eat poorly today, but I got on the scale today and I am down 4 lbs from my all-time high of a couple months back (which shall remain numberless until and after I go to my grave, Lord willing). So, I am happy about that. I made a muscle for Steven yesterday and I said, "Look! I know it's small, but there's finally one there!" I'm so excited! Now, today, I had two pieces of pizza from the Whole Foods Take & Bake pizza, but I had a salad for lunch. Granted, I had Coke, but I was Cokeless yesterday, and I drank a ton of water tonight while exercising.

Well, until tomorrow!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wii Active

Wow, was I burning, burning, burning after my boxing workout last night! I boxed over 1200 punches, which is descent, and then I did a few exercises to boot. My pecks and shoulders were so sore that I thought it best to try a different workout today, so I pulled out the Wii Active at my mother's house. It does offer a pretty good workout, with a choice of 20 min EASY, 20 min HARD, 30 min EASY, and 40 min HARD, so I chose the 20 min HARD and hoped I had it in me. I noticed a huge difference between my running from months back when I first tried it and the running I did today--I could actually last the entire time! And I kept up the pace well! I was quite miffed from the high kicks running, though; it didn't count them and it showed me walking slowly whether I was running or standing completely still, so what's up with that??? I loved the boxing portion (of course!), but it was only two mins. long, unfortunately. I did feel like I was going to fall through the floor while doing the jumping lunges, but it worked me! The main problem with this workout: I don't like it. Yep, you heard me. I DO NOT LIKE Wii ACTIVE, SAM. Not in a boat, not with a goat. I do not like it here or there. I do not like it ANYWHERE!

I longed to come home and do my boxing again, but I resisted. I said I would exercise six days a week, and I've actually kept my word this week! I'm ecstatic! I may even squeeze some boxing in tomorrow!

Now, regarding food--not doing so hot. I went out for lunch and ordered a chef salad, otherwise known as a Sam's Salad at the restaurant. Well, it was mostly Sam and not enough salad, so I ate all of the greens and left most of the meat/cheese on the plate. I do order regular dressing, but I never eat half of the little cup they give you, so I figure that's all right. I did drink Coke though, my nemesis . For dinner, I was not in the mood to cook, so we picked up pizza. I see that disapproving face! Before you stress out, I ate ONE slice. Did you see that? ONE slice. I never only eat ONE slice. But I had root beer--which isn't quite as bad because it doesn't contain caffeine.

Until next time...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pain Called and I Answered

It's been a few days, so here is a little update on progress....

The other day I was in a time-bind (something that happens all too frequently around here), so with only an hour to eat lunch and being out and about, we had Mexican for lunch. Not a good choice since I don't like most Mexican dishes, with the exception of cheese enchiladas, rice, and beans. So, I ate it and regretted it, as usual. To top the problem, I also had Coke to go with it, but to my defense, the waiter brought it out to us before we even ordered--he knows what I've been ordering for a couple years now and doesn't need to ask! So, I felt EXTREMELY guilty of my food delights for the day. Next, I went to school and after coming back, later that night, we were hungry. What did my husband do? He made Pizza Pockets, a.k.a. Fat Soaked in Grease. Yes, I ate them and would have ravaged them had they not been so unbelievably hot!

This horrible day did have a positive impact, however. I struggled to get out of bed the next morning, but I made myself since I knew how badly I had eaten the day before. Yesterday (Wednesday), my wonderful husband promised our girls ice cream if they behaved in church, so once again, I fought the temptation of a sweet treat. I lost. Thusly, I found even more inspiration to workout again last night before bed. Despite what "they" say, I fell right to sleep when I went to bed. Then, I struggled to get up this morning and overslept by two hours! Ack! So, now I'm behind on exercise today, but I will do it this evening. I can really feel my workout from yesterday, though, so I'm happy.

The cardio boxing is going well. This is the first exercise program that I've been able to stick to because of it's challenge and it's entertainment. I love punching! haha I threw over 2100 punches yesterday, which is pretty high for the game. I also played my husband six games of tennis after playing six games earlier that morning. Dare I count the bowling I did on the Wii as well? No, I better not.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Kicking the Coke

Ok, so I fell down at my post, once again. The point is, I'm getting back up, right? (Wow! I haven't used that many cliches in a while!) Today is Monday, and I'm starting my goal for March. I would like to lose at least 10 lbs by March 15. I wish it could be more, but I'm starting out with a smaller number so I can feel encouraged to go on. To start, let's talk about scheduling.

My husband walked into the office last night after I printed my color-coded schedule for this week. I broke my day down into half-hour segments, then I color coded them. For instance, "free time" and "relax" are both green because I can do what I want, as long as I'm preparing for the next slot on my schedule. I was feeling extremely overwhelmed as a homeschool mom, a graduate student, an office administrator for my husband's business, a tutor, a wife, a mother....along with all the jobs that fall into subcategories! Whew! So far, this schedule has definitely lessened my stress, despite my husband telling me I am an A-type personality!

To start my schedule, I have Bible time listed at 6:30 a.m. I didn't make it up that early this morning (because I was up late making the schedule), but this will be my time to read, pray, and think on things most important to my heart and soul. Next, I start exercising at 7 a.m. I did wake up in time for this, so I worked out for approx. one hour. I've been doing Gold's Gym Cardio Boxing on the Wii, which really makes you sweat! I've been thrilled with the game, although the controllers aren't registering ALL of my punches/ducks/weaves, which is frustrating. Next, I played four games of tennis on Wii Sports, as a cool down.

As for food, I entitled this post "Kicking the Coke" because I'm addicted to the soft drink, Coke. I admit it; I do not deny it. Today, I drank Sprite for lunch because the drinks are free with the meal (which was a salad) and I figured it was the lesser evil compared to Coke. As I type this, I'm beginning to salivate for the fizzing shock of caffeine upon which I've grown dependent, but I'm taking each minute at a time and resisting. My goal is to only drink soft drinks on the weekends, if at all.

Over the weekend, I did have a chance to watch "Food, Inc., " It wasn't as horrible as I had expected after hearing my friends' reviews, but there is no way I want to continue feeding such processed food to my children. I plan on shopping more organic isles in the grocery store, and make special trips to the Organic stores. Hopefully, the food will be healthier, more filling, and result in greater health and energy so that my family and I will become (or remain) a healthy weight just from the energy expended.

That's enough of my ramblings for the day. Maybe I'll write more tomorrow ;-)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Baby Steps and Candy Canes

Who else might awaken to an angelic voice saying, "Here you go, Mommy. This is for you. It's weally tasty"? Surely, my three year old isn't in on some plot to destroy my weight loss dreams, right? And yes, I gave in by having a candy cane for breakfast, but who could resist? I said no to the second one, and that's what matters! So, for lunch, I had an organic herb turkey sandwich on wheat with fat-free cheese, followed by an orange Whips yogurt and a banana. Then, I cleaned the house and did loads of laundry, only to uncover a jolly red stocking calling my name. Lo and behold! I had forgotten about the stocking filled with candy my mother had given me! I gave some to the girls, consumed only the best, and tried to throw away the evidence. For dinner, I made the best venison tacos that I've ever made, thinking the low-fat meat might make up for my little indiscretions. I resisted eating two as I used to do and I resisted the motherly trap of eating her child's mound of uneaten food. Think of all the calories I saved!

Tonight, I boxed my cardio workout on the Wii for quite a while, and then I played a game of tennis that took forever on the Wii! No, today was not my best day, but it certainly wasn't my worst. I will glory in the small victories, hope for the larger, and believe in the healthier me.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Battle Has Begun

Today, I cleared out everything in the house that is normally taste-tempting. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't disclose the fact that I cleared it out by consuming it, however! But, the holidays are over and the excuses must go. This is not a New Year's Resolution, but a life decision. I realize heart problems and diabetes run rampant in my family, thus, I must resolve to change my ways in order to live a healthier life for myself and my family. I've begun buying organic food, although I've been buying organic milk for my children for quite a while now, and I've finally found a workout game that is not only a sweating-feel-the-burn-drop-you-on-your-knees workout, but fun as well!

This blog is to keep track of my gains, my losses, my triumphs, and any minor set-backs. I will try my best to post daily my battle tactics and statistics, while providing any good recipes, tips, exercises, etc. that I find. Feel free to participate along with me, letting me know you are there.