
Sunday, February 28, 2010

La Comida Mexicana y Wii Activa

Yes, I know I'm missing my accent marks and my Spanish is a little rusty, but we ate at our usual Mexican haunt today, so I felt inspired! Pretty sad when the waitress knows what to bring you before you even sit down! However, I surprised her (you should have seen her eyes widen in amazement and her mouth formed a perfect "O") by ordering something a little different. Instead of the usual cheese enchiladas (the same thing I've been ordering at Mexican restaurants since I was in my mother's womb), I ordered taquitas mexicanas--chicken, that is--with rice and beans. I know, it's still not that great, but it was much better than all that cheese!

For dinner, my husband felt inspired to grill steaks (mmmmmm), but Mother Hubbard's (sp?) kitchen is bare, so I just made corn and low fat mac 'n cheese as sides. After I cleaned up, I lounged...And that's when inspiration hit! I finally borrowed my mom's Wii Active game today (I say game in the loosest sense possible) and started the 30 Day Challenge...again. But it was different this time! This time, I enjoyed it! I had to do running (which I hate!), but I also did lunges, arm lifts, squats, in-line skating, and best of all....boxing! And this time it had me kick boxing! I was in heaven! Ok, not heaven because I don't intend on sweating in heaven, but you know my love for boxing! I was sweating throughout the workout, I burned 158.8 calories, and I exercised for 22.something minutes. It also gave me a black & gray calendar detailing when I have to exercise and when my days of rest are--my dream! That is so what I need!

Honestly, I feel like getting up early this morning and getting to church helped revive me spiritually, which led to energy for my body as well. Stress has lessened because of faith, and so I actually feel like I can accomplish something this week! I did decide my goals were too lofty from last week, though, so I'm only making one goal: Drink more water. Pretty easy, eh? Not so much since I live in the town of brown water, but I'll try to remember to buy some more water at the store. I drink from the tap sometimes when it's clean, but I still remember the last water report that said there is a trace amount of arsenic in the water, but cost of removal outweighs unknown health risks...isn't that reassuring? Thus, I pray over my food, and I must pray over my water!

Signing off now...keep up your hard work!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Work, No Money, Work

Yes, I know exercise is a good stress reliever. Yes, I know exercise is good for my body. Yes, I know you have to make time to exercise. However, no one has quite explained to me how to make time...

I've been tutoring online a lot lately, as I try to earn a little extra this month since my husband's jobs have slowed down...waaaayyy dowwwwn. So, between those scattered hours, homeschooling, taking care of the house, writing articles, taking my graduate course, planning co-op ideas for homeschool, and trying to leave everything in the hands of the Lord, I just can't seem to find the time to really exercise lately. I know I'm tired, and I know it's also because I haven't been exercising. But how can I fit so many things into my day? Any ideas? I had a schedule for a while there, but I kept blowing it! Any ideas?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Foiled Again!

Ok, so maybe this diet thing is not for me. And then I look at pictures of what I really look like.

Do you ever look in the mirror and see who you used to be instead of who you have become? I still remember the 115 lb girl who thought clothes were made for her. Then, I grew up and out!

To be honest, I haven't been to the grocery store lately, so my house cupboards are pretty bare at this point. Therefore, when my hubby asked if I wanted pizza last night, I fell to temptation. We decided to try Domino's since they advertise a much better, all new pizza. We found their advertising to be mostly true: the crust is scrumptious with buttery garlic flavor, the pizza isn't nearly as greasy, and it had an overall good flavor. My husband did laugh when he saw the ad of "100% pure Mozzarella cheese, flavored with a hint of Provolone." How can it be 100% pure Mozzarella then? lol Aside from that, it was tasty, but I felt like a hog because the pieces were SO small! Oh, but they are not better than Papa Johns, as they claim. Had PJ been cheaper, we would have gone with them and would do so in the future.

Ok, aside from tempting you with pizza, I did do well with my NO COKE rule on Mon & Tues. Then we ordered pizza. Now it's Thurs., but I plan on starting that rule all over again. Take it one day at a time, as they say!

Monday, February 15, 2010

What a Flop!

OK, so much for the not-dieting-too-much-but-still-exercising diet. Now it's time to get serious. Here are some goals:

  1. No Coke, except Sundays OR Saturdays (not both)
  2. Using smaller plates to control portion size
  3. No second helpings
  4. No ice cream/cookies
  5. Cut down on bread

These are my first set of goals, so let's see how they work out. We didn't splurge for Valentine's Day because money has been a little tight, but hubby has been cooking for some reason. It's so hard to be good when someone else is doing the cooking!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Calling All Energy!

What happened? I don't know what drained me yesterday, but I couldn't find the energy to do anything! I managed to squeeze in a little boxing, but I quit after finishing a simple routine because I felt like passing out. Perhaps my sugar was low? I'm not sure, but I did not get anything done around the house, either, except for school and dinner (which wasn't good!). I will try to do better today, since I've already cleaned the living room and I slept much better!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl? Superdowner!

So much for trying to be skinny at a Superbowl party! Ha! Like that could really happen! I ate way too much, didn't exercise at all, felt "blah" all day, and then my team goes and loses the game! What a day! The back of my mind is saying, I should have gone to church instead! But, I woke up early, with a sinus headache, and felt awful. That continued the entire day.

I have been keeping up with the boxing, and I know I need to go at it even harder, but it's so difficult to find the time in this homeschool mom's life! So, I'm just promising myself to do my best, and that's what I'll do. I don't have a goal of being skinny. I just have a goal of being me. So, as long as I'm healthy, I will be happy :)

Tonight, I have lots of exercise to make-up. I ate ribs, beans, a few hot wings, queso, and cobbler yesterday. And it wreaked havoc on my body! So, today has been a different story: salad....yummy!

Now, I plan on starting an actual Homeschool Help Blog, but I'm trying to come up with a good title. I've done so much homeschool research that I feel my efforts will be wasted unless I do something with the knowledge I've gained. I plan on having a blog, but I eventually want to create an entire website as well. Then, with more experience and more schooling, perhaps I'll create my own curriculum and eventually become a homeschool advocate for others. We'll see!