
Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Started a new 30 Day Challenge, but I upped it to high-intensity. So, I exercised 32 minutes and burned 243 calories yesterday morning...and I'm sore! I also walked last evening for about 30 minutes with the girls. To top it off, I wrote down everything I ate...well, except that birthday cupcake I had to taste for my daughter's bday ;-)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Long Time No Blog...Or Diet

After finishing the 30 Day Challenge, I became a slacker. You ask, "Why?" Because I knew I was facing Easter weekend (which is always a time of eating with friends and family and spending gross amounts of time doing things other than exercise), the homeschool convention would be the following weekend, and this weekend! Yes, I know--I look great for 25! ;) Well, I'll keep telling my daughters that age anyway, until they wise-up. So, here's the plan:

On Monday, after b-day weekend celebrations have come to a close, I will once again rejoin the ranks of exercisers/dieters. That means exercise will become a priority again, and I will once more attempt to notebook everything I eat. I have tried this method before, but I just never last more than a day...really. So, that's my mini-goal: not to lose a bunch of weight or to exercise non-stop, but to notebook what I eat. How's that for setting achievable goals?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Weight? What Weight? Ohhhh...That Weight

I'm choosing to live in a bubble this week. I have not exercised (first time in a long time of not exercising since Sunday), and there is no excuse, but to say, "I'm tired. T-i-r-e-d." I have a ton of things to think about right now, so I'll resume my exercise regime next week if all goes well. Then, I'll be in top form for the homeschool convention....or at least I'll tell myself that. My clothes aren't fitting any looser and I'm seriously wondering if I have some strange medical anomaly that doesn't allow me to lose weight like a normal person. Ha! I won't claim it! Shame on you, Anomaly! I know you no more!