
Sunday, September 26, 2010


Pro-cras-ti-na-tion:  Putting off what you know needs to be done in order to do something often deemed wasteful but momentarily emotionally gratifying. 

Yep, I'm a procrastinator.  I used to be one of those students who did her work way ahead of time just to make sure it got done in time for me to check it over and over again.  Then, I grew up. 

I have a paper due tomorrow.  Did you hear me?  Due TOMORROW.  What am I doing?  Blogging.  Ok, I've written it, but my heart just isn't in it because it's a tutoring session analysis and I'm just not feelin' it.  Oh, but that's not all.  I have another paper due on Friday, which I haven't even begun.  Don't people just zip out papers on cultural disjunctions of the 16th and 17th centuries on the fly?  Oh.  Well, maybe I should get started on it then...

My weekends don't seem to exist anymore.  What happened to them?  Boy, I'm looking forward to December and not having classes.  Snugglebug and Lovely still adore their classes.  Snugglebug informed me she doesn't want to homeschool--ever--she loves her friends too much.    They both really do love it...we may continue sending them to school next year as well, or a few years, as Hubby said today, depending on how things go.  As long as we keep pointing them back what is right, and do the best we can to train them in the way they should go, then we will keep praying about school.  Honestly, I look around the office/school room and I am disheartened that I invested so much time and effort into homeschool supplies, plans, hopes, etc.  But...I don't really miss actually doing the homeschool work.  Lovely is learning to read just fine with charter school.  She is learning about Respect (with a capital R!) at school, and she gets to have PE, music, library, art, and computer classes--things for which we just ran out of time.  She gets to climb and swing (did I mention we don't have anything to climb/swing on at our house?).  She's learning responsibility and to get along with others of various ages.  So, I feel I finally have more time to focus on what's important for me to teach them in their learning: about God.  

Ok, now I'm off to finish that paper and then play with the girls. I'll put off writing the other paper until later...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Grandma Before My Time

I'm not sure what happened.
I'm not sure when. 
My girls keep talking
About when I'll become a GRANDMA.

Lovely only wants two kids, but only if they are girls.  Oh, and she's not inviting anyone to the wedding because she doesn't want anyone *looking* at her.  And she plans on homeschooling.  Wait...did she say homeschooling?  Apparently, homeschooling helps sisters be friends, and she's scared her kids won't have friends at school.  Wait a second...that sounds so FAMILIAR...and yet, my girls are friends (they even admit it) and they each have friends at school...hmmm...

Snugglebug is determined to have ten kids, one of which will be named Blueberry (a boy, of course).  I'm not sure how many she's planning on having at once since she says some of them won't be able to go to school because they'll be four.  She's also going to have several cats and dogs, but she keeps asking if she'll have to give her pig a bath. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Rock Potties and Bear Banks

About a month or two ago, I took the girls on a play date to the Falls of the Ohio.  I was looking through pics tonight and came across this one.  Snugglebug referred to it as a big potty...and sure enough, it looks like one!  What confused me was her eagerness to get her picture taken while sitting on it :/

Now, the real reason I'm blogging is to tell Lovely's bear story.  I was reading Bear Goes to Town to the girls last night and came to the part about Bear going to the bank and the teller asking, "How much would you like?" Of course, Bear got whatever amount he wanted.  I took the opportunity to explain that it doesn't happen like that in real life; banks don't just "give" money--you have to have placed money in the bank first. Lovely's response:

"Yea, well bears don't go to banks anyway.  And they don't wear clothes." 

Silly me!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


The Goofball of Lovliness

This was Lovely's first day of Kindergarten at her new school. I still remember the first-day- of-school pics my mom took of me as a child. For some reason, they are comforting to me, even now, at my ripe ol' age.

Lovely is still loving school and keeps making more and more friends. For the most part, it seems like it's a positive influence. The timid, shy child has blossomed into an enthusiastic girl of natural curiosity. She laughs, she giggles, and yes, she still cries--she's still a girl, after all!

The Laughter of Snugglebug
This was Snugglebug's first day of Pre-K.  She LOVED it.  She said she made two friends and she's happy her classroom has a hamster and two fish, both in "cages" as she put it.  She was very annoyed they didn't get to play on the computers there, but she was more annoyed she didn't get to go back the next morning (her school is only two days per week).  Oh, and if you noticed that stain on her shirt, it's because she spilled milk on it and I had to wipe it off.  Also, the apple has her name on it, but I removed the name for the purpose of this blog.
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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Still Alive...Are You?

With as busy as my life has been, I still manage to sneak a peak at blogs in hopes of updates.  Boy, have I been disappointed of late!  That's all, I don't feel so bad for not updating as much as I should.

School is still going well, and Lovely has finally learned the names of two of her friends.  She learned all of her sight words for last week and said them to me so quickly, I about fainted!  I did find out the teacher read the dreaded Junie B. Jones to the children last week.  Was I wrong for telling Lovely not to listen to her?  lol  I told her she may listen, but please know we do NOT speak in such a manner.  Grammar/vocab is severely lacking in those stories.

Pre-K begins this week for Snugglebug and I'll be  honest...I almost wept as I looked through her papers.  I can't believe my baby is so big already. 

I am in the midst of an archival project on which I must present Tuesday.  Ugh.  If I had more time, and if I didn't have to go first, I wouldn't be so nervous.  But I don't, I do, and I am.  I'm actually quite interested in my topic, despite its creepiness to the average person.  I'm looking at the rhetoric of photographs taken post-mortem when people used to pose the dead as if they were still alive. I'm reading several old letters right now, including ones from L.M. Montgomery (author of Anne of Avonlea & Emily of New Moon).  Boy, was she confused.  She honestly believed God was libeled by stating there was a hell in which people went after death, because no one chooses to sin, and once they realize they are sinning, they turn from it, except in the case of bad habits.  In such a case, bad habits end with the physical body and therefore the soul can have a "second-chance."  Hmmm....

I guess I'll leave you with those thoughts and get back to my reading...and more reading...and more reading...