
Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Girls' Great-Grandma

The girls' great-grandma, my brother, and my niece, Summer 2010

I had planned on posting pics from our vacation to Tucson and Christmas, but we only got back last Sunday, I went to school & work the next day and throughout the week, and then my grandma went into the hospital on Thursday afternoon.  I will have to post the other pics later; now, I want to remember my grandma.

She was born in March 20, 1922 and passed away January 15, 2011 surrounded by family and close friends.  Grandma suffered a massive heartattack about five years ago, resulting in a triple bypass because there wasn't enough tissue/veins to do a quadruple bypass.  The surgeons didn't expect her to live, and yet she did.  She began having more consistant heart problems once again this past summer, but the Lord let us keep her with us until Thursday, when she suffered another heartattack.  Although the doctors brought her body back, I believe she left us before she even got to the Code room (And who could blame her?  I'm sure she's with my grandpa, my uncle, my father, and many others.).  She remained physically unresponsive, and so family made the decision to turn off the machines. 

Grandma was a truely unselfish lady.  When we would ask her where she wanted to eat, she refused to say anything other than, "Oh, anywhere is fine with me.  You pick."  My girls loved their great-grandma, and Snugglebug was always hugging and kissing her.  I know I'm a bit stand-offish when it comes to physical displays of affection (other than with the girls or Hubby), so I'd vicariously live through Snugglebug's ability to charm and delight my grandma.  I have memories of the only time I stayed with my grandparents as a child, sleeping on their bedroom floor, and going to Village Inn for breakfast where I got smiley-face pancakes.  I cherish the memories of the family Christmases at her house with all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins. We will miss her dearly, but I believe she's not only happier, but younger than me now!