Lovely oogles her new sewing kit.
Entertainment for the car...Don't judge me by the mud marks on my door. They weren't there the last time I cleaned....
Christmas, the next morning. I decided I like a 12-days of Christmas kinda thing. They spend so much more time "bonding" with their new toys/gifts.
Can you tell?
And this pic just made me laugh. Snugglebug will hate me one day when she realizes how many people will have seen this pic.Whuut?
And for those of you truly detail-oriented, you may have noticed the pink basin in the background of above pics. That's because after Lovely oogled the sewing kit and emptied it, she said, "Ohhh, I wonder what goes in first. I know; this. Now, what should...I feel like I'm going to throw up." She acted perfectly well prior to this, mind you. But, she stood, ran to the throne-room, and got sick. She got a fever afterward, but she only was sick once and was better by morning, thankfully.
And then I got sick in the car. Yay, me! But, it was gone within a few hours. Snugglebug felt sick, too, but my Canadian lovin' in-laws told her to drink buttermilk. Get this: it worked! She escaped the illness!
Have a merry illness-free Christmas!

And then I got sick in the car. Yay, me! But, it was gone within a few hours. Snugglebug felt sick, too, but my Canadian lovin' in-laws told her to drink buttermilk. Get this: it worked! She escaped the illness!
Have a merry illness-free Christmas!