
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sugarbush 2012

We finally made it!  We attempted treking through the sludge of last year's maple syrup festival in Salem, but the mud was just too deep to even park.  This year, I picked a sunny, dry day that was practically wind-free.  It was a beautiful day!

Before I show all my pretty iPod pics that are ever-so grainy, let me say I never thought I'd go to a "maple syrup festival."  Seriously?  I was a city girl from Arizona, so what on earth is a maple syrup festival?  Do we sit around, admiring the leaves and gorgeous amber bottles?  (Actually, that is part of it, but only part...)

S enjoyed the tomahawk throwing, and nailed it all three times.  Knife throwing?  Not as good quite so fast, but he does pick up dangerous weaponry sports quickly (wonder what he could do with a lance?). 

It took forever to get Lovely to even look at my camera with the monstrosity that was on her face.  Child's plate of waffle w/ strawberry, syrup, chocolate chips, and whipped cream, plus a drink?  $3.50.  Unless you're 5 or under; then it's free :) 

This was my dessert:
There were plenty of vendors to explore and demonstration stands set-up.  The smoke was getting to Snugglebug's eyes, though:

A giant stack of hay bales awaited the children, begging to be built into tunnels and forts...The children answered the call. 

And last but not least.  Snugglebug's maple cotton candy 'stache.  Oh-so-stylish, and a downright hoot!

In the end, we bought a few bottles of syrup, two bags of cotton candy (so yummy without the overly sweet aftertaste of regular cotton candy), a jar of maple sugar, two bags of maple candy:  peanut and almond, two jars of local honey, and a jar of yummy pizza sauce (not maple, of course).  My dinner was good, but I recommend getting there before 2 p.m. because I bought the very last chicken dinner.  They ran out of beans after my plate as well, and they were already out of rolls and ice-cream dessert.  There are only port-a-potties to use, but for the life of me, I'm not sure I want to know how they got them smelling like maple syrup, too .  

This is a definite find that I hope to do again.  The Sugarbush festival will resume for it's final weekend next weekend, so get out and try it if you have some time!  It's awesome family fun with lots of kids' activities (including a covered wagon ride that my girls loved). 

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

School, Work, & Stuff

Yet another post without you hate me?  Well, even I hate my posts without pictures, so I understand if you do, too. 

I'm conferencing with students today.  I love conferencing with students because they can tell that I really care about their work, that I'm on their side.  And then, there are the students who miss conferences.  Of all my pet peeves, I think absences are among the greatest.  Why?  Because I went back to work three days after my father passed away.  Because I took a single day off when my grandmother passed away to drive all the way to Pennsylvania and back again.  Because I took (and take) commitments seriously.  There.  I've said it.  I've vented.  Phew!  Ok, so maybe all that wasn't entirely healthy for my mental state, but the excuses of working late hours or getting strep and therefore taking off a month just don't fly with me. 

I'm also having a conference with Lovely's teacher, per my own request.  I want to make sure she's getting all she needs.  More on that to come.

As for another confession, I've been cheating on you.  "What?!  How dare you!" you exclaim.  Yes, I know, cheaters never prosper and all that.  Actually, I've felt the need to develop a separate blog that focuses on my writing & teaching experiences.  I only just started it, and I have a whopping two followers (I'm actually being serious--no sarcasm here)--total strangers who actual see some value to my writing.  Or they accidentally hit the "follow" button.  We'll see.  Anyway, I've found it's a good place to share my ideas and articulate my thoughts, separate from my home/family posts. 

Speaking of work (again), I'm still looking for other work.  I put in my request to teach this fall, which I absolutely love, but let's face it--bills need to get paid and teaching won't start back up again until the end of August.  Online teaching jobs have fierce competition, I'm finding.  I'm even considering going back to administrative assistant work, but then I realize, it's not 10 years ago anymore--there aren't many of those jobs out there.  I saw a job that interests me at The Learning House, but I hate rejection-- and I still have to teach for 75 minutes two afternoons a week, through the end of April.  S had had an extremely busy Jan., but then Feb. rolled around and he got sick (for about 3 wks), and work has been pretty slow again.  Moral of the story is:  if you see a job I might be interested in, send the info my way; I'll be grateful :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Time, Time, Time

I just realized I haven't posted in a while.  I've had these perfect pictures in my head to match all that's been going on in my life, but the problem is I keep forgetting to take these pictures.  Thus, my words will have to do as record. 

First, Lovely finally lost her first tooth.  She was super excited and refused to take it out at home--she wanted to take it out at school so everyone could see and so she could bring it home in a little container.  This happened Feb. 2 and it was one of her bottom teeth.  You may say this is rather late for a seven yr old to lose her first tooth, but I recently found out I still have one of my baby teeth (Lovely cringed when I told her this and refused to believe me).  Let's just say my teeth were/are slow to leave, and I hope they stay that way! 

We also worked on a desert habitat for Lovely.  It turned out really cool, with background pics from AZ.  In addition, we celebrated 100 Days of School, so I volunteered to help do centers in Lovely's class.  Word to the wise:  when building towers out of 100 cups, use regular, drink-size cups instead of those little snack cups.  Just sayin'. 

Next, I visited Build-a-Bear with Snugglebug, and realized I couldn't ever work here.  We apparently entered Barney land unbeknownst to me.  "Rub your bears' hearts, boys and girls, so they're filled with love.  Now touch your muscles with them, boys and girls, so your bears are big and strong.  Now, touch your heads with them, boys and girls, so your bears and smart.  Now touch your legs with them, boys and girls, so your bears can run fast in your dreams, etc., etc., etc."  And each and every one of those kids are special, dontcha know.  Then, we had to listen to 22 choruses of "Stuff your bear (insert child's name), stuff your bear.  Stuff, stuff, stuff your bear (insert name again), stuff your bear."  However, it was a cute field trip and after the bake sale (which I helped out with and we raised $420 in 2 days!!!), the trip w/ the bear only cost $3/student.  Then, I made Snugglebug work to earn money for clothes.  She chose a bride outfit.  What am I going to do with her?! 

To top off everything, S has been sick.  Like, willing to go to the doctor sick.  He's NEVER like that.  So, he had strep and got a Z-pac, only to find he's one of those rare cases of people who has extreme stomach pain, etc. from taking it.  He finished the dosage, but he hasn't eaten or slept right in a few days now.  Let's see if I get him to the doctor ever again....

Hope your February has been all that and a bag of chips.  Yes, I just said "bag of chips."  What am I, getting old and corny?  Maybe...