
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The New Arrival!

Introducing our newest addition:

She's screaming at Daddy

Lovely is adoring her and thinks she's the best thing ever.

Snugglebug holds her once and says, "Ok, I've held her.  Here."

In her carseat that I LOVE.

Sweet piggie-toes

S gave me three dozen roses for the three girls I've given him.  I also got flowers from the store S contracts through.

I haven't come up with a good blogger name for our sweetie yet.  In fact, it took us three days to decide on her actual name.

Birth Story:
I had been having contractions off and on for weeks, but there were becoming more common. However, God must have thought it all right that she be born on the day I picked, so I got up that Monday, dropped the girls off at school, and then got ready to go to the hospital.  They took me back to triage and placed me under a blow-up warming blanket, which was pretty awesome. I was also given boots to help with blood flow, and a few anti-nausea meds.  The IV was pretty painful, and all in all, I was a lot more anxious than the other two times because they had happened so quickly--this was more of a wait.  I had a spinal this time instead of an epidural, so my legs went numb almost immediately.  I didn't care for the pain of the needle, but I expected it.  I could breathe just fine this time, and I actually felt the push on my stomach from the doctor pushing the baby out (I hadn't felt this in the past).  I was able to see her immediately and thought, "No.  She doesn't look like a Juliet (one of the many names we considered)."  

After stitching and cleaning me up, they took me to the observation area and after testing baby's blood sugar, which was low, I was given her to nurse. Thankfully, the body heat and nursing increased her blood sugar enough so that she didn't need supplements.  She weighted 8 lbs, 5.7 oz, and she was 21.5 inches long.  Dark blonde hair and long fingers and toes.  She looks just like the other girls, but in her own way, oddly enough.  She cried as soon as she was out of my belly. 

I wasn't released from the hospital until Thursday afternoon, by my own choosing.  I needed the extra day to rest.  I loved all of my nurses, but I was glad this was my third child because of the immodesty the hospital required with the nurses (nothing offensive, all medical related, but probably bothersome to someone very shy). Although I had avoided this hospital in the past, I actually liked it just as well if not better than the hospitals across the river--except for the horrid food.  I took my medications on time so I would be able to walk better each time I tried, but I was (and still am) pretty sore at times.  

Now, two weeks later, she is still keeping me up a lot (less than five hours sleep per night on average), but I adore her.  I gave her tummy time last night and she rolled over--it appears she doesn't like tummy time!  She nurses about ever 2-3 hours, including all night long.  She has lots of sleep and gas induced smiles, and she becomes more aware every day.  Amazing how I had thought Snugglebug would be my last one and now I'm thinking, "How can this be my last one?  Don't I want one more...maybe?"  Of course, my body will be recovering for a long time to come.  Prayers were answered:  my blood sugar went down after I had her.  However, my blood pressure skyrocketed, so I'm on bp medication, hopefully just until my 6 wk check up.  I've already lost 27.5 lbs, although I had only gained 15 lbs while pregnant, so that's exciting.  I tried to put my wedding rings back on, though, and my fingers are still swollen, so I'm hoping that just means there's more to lose!

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tomorrow's the Big Day!

The day is finally almost here!  I'm tired, excited, anxious...every emotion you can possibly feel are shooting off like fireworks right now.  I'm sure it's hormones. 

I'm to arrive at the hospital at 10 a.m. tomorrow and the c-section is to take place at 11:30 a.m.  It's a "rooming in" hospital, meaning only sick babies are supposed to be in the nursery, which is a little disconcerting.  By no means do I want a sick baby, but I've had two children--sleep is important, and sometimes that requires sending the baby back to the nursery for a little while!  I will need to be alone part of the time when S has to pick up the girls for and from school, but I'm supposed to be released either Wed. or Thurs. afternoon. 

We are still at a standstill for names.  S doesn't like Adelaide, Adelae, or Adeline.  He likes Juliet more than those names, which isn't my favorite, but I'm getting desperate.  I liked Lydia, but I'm not crazy about the meaning.  I've always liked Isabella and S said he did, too, but once again, that name is #3 in the country for popularity and I wanted to be a little different this time.  We'll have to come up with something!  

In other news, the nursery is still an office.  Who else will likely bump their newborn's head on a pair of deer antlers?  Who else has arrows sprawled out from deer to deer, right above the changing table?  What?  I'm the only one?  Are you sure?  Perhaps they'll get moved tonight.  Perhaps not.  We'll see. 

Oh (excuse the poor transition), Lovely turned 8 last month.  We went to a movie the day before her birthday and she got the Lego Friends "Olivia's House" as her present.  She said it was the best birthday ever--even better than last year when I slaved over a party and invited her entire class to it.  That'll teach me.  Give some Legos = Get more rest. 

Speaking of rest...I need to get some attendance/participation grades entered and then I need to get some rest for tomorrow.  I took my last (hopefully) insulin shot this morning!  Yay!