
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"Maybe You'll Finally Get Your Boy."

I can't tell you how many times S and I heard that once someone found out we are expecting our forth child.  Countless.  Next question:  Are you stopping at four, or are you going to have more?

Well, apparently we are not getting "our" boy.  Apparently, we don't have one.  At least that's what the u/s tech said (well, not in those words exactly...).  It looks like this will be another girl, so we will have four of a kind.  It's a little disappointing to not be able to have a son, but the Lord's perfect will be done.  It does get frustrating when I hear people say they finally got their girl/boy because the Lord gives you the desire of your heart, but we know He knows best.  I actually feel a little bad because at the u/s we were told it looks like a girl, and we just stayed quiet.  Don't get me wrong--we love this baby no matter what--but I can't say I was really surprised, and this isn't our first go-round, so we just said, "Ok." That was that!  Anyway, there is nothing wrong with having four girls, and we aren't missing out on anything we shouldn't be missing out on.  My mom told me I have to convince myself that I just am better with girls anyway.  The problem with that theory is that I originally thought that, and then I changed my mind and grew to want a boy.  However, I will love and cherish my children no matter, so I don't need to convince myself of anything--at least that's my theory :)

Now, on to the name game.  We struggled with Laeah's name last time, so who knows how we'll find two more names!  I'm leaning toward Juliet Isabella, or Juliet Noel, but S doesn't think the first two go together, and I don't think he likes the other middle name

Now, as for stopping at four.  That is between us and whatever God has planned.  No, I'm not setting out to have five children...or six....or become a Dugger.  Four is a good number in my mind, but we'll see if God changes my heart.

I have an early glucose test next Tuesday, which I'm not looking forward to, but I know it must be done.  I've been trying to eat healthier the last week or so, but I must say, I love hamburgers these days--a little too much!  Then, I have another appt. in a month, along with another u/s because once again, the spine and heart weren't very clear--just like with Laeah.  I wish they'd just buy a better machine because it's difficult to see anything on it clearly!  I thought I saw something else in the u/s, but then the tech pointed out the three lines for a'd think after 17 or so u/s, I'd be able to make out the body parts better!  Actually, I can--it's the machine, I tell ya!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ultrasound on Monday!

I found a message from the doctor's office this morning stating they couldn't do the u/s on Tues as planned, so I called and was told they had an opening on Monday instead.  It's in the afternoon, which I'm not a fan of, but the girls won't be in school quite yet, so I can deal. Pray this little bean is perfectly healthy and isn't stubborn like Laeah was (i.e. no hands in the way).  I've been feeling a lot of flutters and each time I think, "Oh yeah.  That was probably the baby."  Is it weird that I keep forgetting I'm pregnant? 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

8 Mos Pics and Sewing

I was hoping for a nice green background, but Laeah doesn't seem to like the outdoors very much, unless she's being held. (Yes, I'm slightly changing the way I spell her nickname.)


By the end of the photo shoot:

As soon as we came in from the photo shoot:

Have I mentioned she's learned to spit?  So, her clothing might not be from milk, or a diaper, but just because she got a kick out of spitting for a few minutes.  Can't wait until she does that in church!  Ah, but she did do much better in church this morning; she lasted 1.5 hours without me needing to take her to the nursery.  Yeah!

My newest project:  An elephant for Laeah

I used Simplicity pattern 2613 with some adjustments.  My elephant is two-toned, with cordoroy on the front, unlike the ones in the pattern.  I also added plastic on the inside to give some crinkle-noise.  The eyes were a bit tricky, as the pattern suggested safety eyes.  After searching Hancocks, Michael's, and Ben Franklin, I've decided safety eyes must be ordered online.  Instead, I carefully sewed felt eyes to the animal with the knowledge that I will just keep my eye on Laeah while she plays with it--like I usually do.  I can't see the eyes coming off, though.

Let me just scream at all past sewing teachers now:  "WHY! didn't you start me out on a stuffed animal instead of a dress, or a skirt, or an apron?!!"  Stuffed animals are sooooo much easier.  Yes, I made mistakes, but I was able to fix them pretty quickly.  Snugglebug is requesting an elephant as well, so that's on my list, too. 
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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Catching Up...

I keep taking notes in my head for all of Laea's updates that I need to make...I'm sure I've lost a few of those notes by now!  It seems everytime I turn around, she's learned something new:
  • She crawls using her knees and elbows.  Not sure why.  However, it is effective--she gets into anything and everything and doesn't mind venturing out of her room and on her own.  
  • She said "hi" to my mom the other day.  Probably a freak accident, but it was extremely clear and appropriately used. 
  • She gives me lots of kisses (ok, open-mouthed slobber kisses) in the morning when I get her up.
  • She drinks 4-5 bottles per day, 1 jar of food at lunch and 1 at dinner, cereal for breakfast, bananas, puffs, and rice rusks in between, and...Popsicles.  Her daddy fed her popsicles and now she whines everytime she sees them.
  • She squeals, growls, and overall makes a ton of noise--especially in church and hospitals (her grandpa has been in the hospital the last few weeks). 
  • She waved good-bye to me today when I left for the doctor.  I sniffed a little. 
Which brings me to my doctor appt.  The dr. wants to keep my due date what his office originally said, so we're back to Dec. 23 (sound familiar, Angela?).  It will really be at least 10 days earlier than that, so I don't really care what they say the due date is.  I am considering ensuring this will be our fourth and final, though.  We'll see.

According to the office scale (when fully dressed and after lunch), I've gained 4 lbs total.  I think it will be less at my next appt.  At least I hope it is.  Blood pressure was good, heartbeat was strong.  I have an u/s scheduled for July 30, so we'll see if this one tells us what s/he is :)  

I have had more energy lately.  I'm deep cleaning each room in our house, although I've had to break some rooms down even further than room-by-room.  I'm also going to attempt to sew some stuffed animals this weekend, I hope.  I've looked at two different stores for safety eyes, but I can't find them anywhere.  I'm hoping to design some felt eyes myself and just sew them on really well since these will be infant toys.  Wish me luck!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Barely Keeping Up

I thought I had so much more energy than I had a couple months ago, but it just never seems to be enough!  I was told being pregnant in your 30s is much different than in your 20s, and I had agreed--I liked it better last time around, until the gestational diabetes thing.  This time--I'm just exhausted no matter what!  I get what seems like nothing done around the house because Laea is a mommy's girl and likes to sit with me...and she's too cute to deny her anything!

I finally finished unpacking from our vacation last week.  However, if looks as if I've simply taken a pile from the living room and placed it in the bedroom, bathroom, etc. I've spent today clearing the living room and steam-washing the floor while Lovely dusted most of it for me. We've washed dishes and emptied the dishwasher, and I've paid bills.  I also read with Snugglebug and hunted out more books for Lovely because she's required to read 3 chapter books off of a certain list for school--a list for 3rd-5th grade, with no distinction between grade levels.  I'm a bit irked at that, considering she's only going into 3rd grade! 

Laea is full-out crawling now, and getting into trouble!  We've caught her pulling herself up several times now, so I'm going to have to remove any mobiles from the crib and most likely lower the mattress shortly. She keeps growing out of everything and is now 18 lbs according to our scale.  I have nothing to do with the clothes yet because I don't know if the new bean is a boy or girl, although I hope to find out shortly and then go through the clothes. 

Anyway, those are all my accomplishments for the day.  I have an urge to bake, and yet I know I shouldn't be eating sweets right now.  I bought material and a few patterns over the holiday that I hope to begin tomorrow--yikes!  Measuring is definitely not my strong point!  I also have several projects around the house that I'd like to get started.  I have this overwhelming urge to move, yet we have a bizillion projects (no, that is not hyperbole) to accomplish first.  I'd like to put the house up for sale next spring/summer (or yesterday), but the Lord's will be done.  One bathroom with three little girls will be challenging to say the least, but the main reason I want to move is to find peace.  My street is mostly quiet, but there are some loud cars that have recently moved into the neighborhood, I'm not thrilled with all my neighbors, and honestly, I don't want my children playing with most of the kids in the neighborhood.  I want land--green land--and space.  So, please pray for our peace! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Weddin' in the Country

My nephew's a married old man now. Guess that makes me an old aunt, right?

Snugglebug was one of the two flowergirls in the wedding.  She said it was "amazing" and "awesome" and she liked everything about it. 

Lovely wanted to be a flowergirl, too, but life isn't fair, or so I had to keep reminding her. 

I was sooo tired by this picture.  I didn't get much sleep the night before we left, or on the night before for rehearsal.  Then, we kept staying up late and running around, so I didn't get any real sleep until week after we left!
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Short Visit to Gettysburg

Last week, we took a short trip to Pennsylvania for my nephew's wedding.  While there, we drove a little ways to see the new military museum.  It included a short film and a viewing of the cyclorama--a dramatic representation (how could it be anything but dramatic?) of the Battle of Gettysburg that surrounds an entire, circular room.  Lovely said she felt like crying a few times at the museum:

The artist painted himself into the painting, leaning against the tree:

I wish the pics could be better, but flashes were not allowed.

This was after Laea's  long and trying first night of sleep away from home.  Forgetful mommy (did I mention braincells die during pregnancy and two pregnancies in a row equal a double whammy?) forgot the pad that goes in the bottom of the pack and play, so she refused to sleep, accept in the twin bed I was sleeping in.  She woke up frequently (every hour or so) and hovered over my face to ensure I was still there.  Thankfully, my sister brought the pad with her since she left after us and Laea slept through the night the rest of the trip.

I had to take a pic of this, given my work with the sublime (journal article).  Death and destruction= sublime? Kinda fits my project. 

Old Abe with a few cuties:

Overall, Laea did extremely well on the trip.  She cried for about 30-40 minutes on the 9.5 hr drive.  She finally started sleeping when she could in her carseat, and she slept from 8, 9, or 10 (whenever we got home) until 8 or 9 in the morning.  I love this girl!  Trust me, after Miss Snugglebug's sleeping habits as a baby, Laea is truly appreciated!  
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