
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Quick Updates

Busy, busy, busy...(can you name that quote?  Hint:  It's a Christmas movie)...

Next week marks the end of school for my oldest girls.  Yay!  Not looking forward to beginning school on July 31st, though!  And the preschool Snugglebug attended is closing, so I'm already wondering where/if I'll send Laeah.  I feel like the one Snugglebug went to didn't really benefit her, so I don't know if homeschooling will be the best option or what I'll do. I had planned on sending Laeah to school while I began homeschooling Lovely, but we'll see how everything works out.

Speaking of Laeah:  it looks like she'll be getting tubes in her ears soon.  She's had ear infection after ear infection, and she has terrible allergies.  She's been on allergy medication for at least a month, probably longer.  Knowing what I know now, I'm afraid Snugglebug probably had a lot of sinus infection as a toddler/child, but I just didn't recognize her signs.  She's been getting terrible headaches lately, even throwing up after a major headache/migraine.  We started her on allergy medication, but she continues to have headaches, so migraine medication might be necessary.  I also need to institute local honey to see how that helps. 

Speaking of food:  I started Jules on organic brown rice cereal yesterday.  I was exhausted with her waking up every two hours throughout the night, and she just didn't seem satisfied.  I'm hoping to continue nursing, but as I've said before, I haven't exactly been successful in the past.  I've made it almost twice as long as with Laeah, though, so for that I'm happy. 

Anything else new?  I'm too tired to realize it if there is...!