
Monday, June 30, 2014

Food Plan

Hello! I've been a little distracted lately, as I've been doing a complete overhaul of the way I eat/look at food. Honestly, I got tired of feeling so...fat. Yes, I just used the "f-a-t" word. I'm not counting my journey from pregnancy weight, but from my last pre - pregnancy weight. The above pic shows me 8.5 lbs down from that weight, 15.5 lbs lighter than when I graduated with my master's degree in 2011. I have since lost another 4 lbs, for a grand total of 12.5 lbs and 6 inches since May 26th! Yay!

I am following the Trim Healthy Mama plan, which simplified means I've cut out most sugar; I eat every 3-4 hours; I don't eat white potatoes, white milk, or regular bread; and I don't combine too many carbs with too much fat. No, I don't do a lot of counting. I invested in Build A Menu, which meal plans, provides a priced shopping list, and recipes. Also, this plan has just clicked with me for some reason. There are several supportive and recipe - providing facebook pages and blogs, and I food journal with pictures on the ap Two Grand. These supports have been a tremendous help!

I actually don't mind the way I look in the pic above (although I wish my shirt wouldn't have been pulled down from the baby carrier), so a lot of inflammation is just's wonderful. Oh, and this is my pic with my valedictorian nephew at his grad proud of him!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Six Months

 Jules is now six months old!  My how big she has gotten!  At her doctor's appt a few weeks ago, she weight 15.4 lbs, which is almost the size of Laeah!  I love her chubby little thighs.  I love her giggle when I brush her chin with my fingers.  She has begun babbling, and it's obvious she will not be overlooked!  She still likes to take cat naps, which drives me crazy (oh, yes, please only sleep for 5 minute intervals; much can get accomplished this way!).  She doesn't like to fall asleep until late at night (we're talking 1 a.m. lastnight, people!), and she sucks up cereal like a champ and has recently begun eating baked sweet potatoes.  She has the least amount of hair of all of our children, so she will probably have the most once she gets older.