
Thursday, July 17, 2014


We've finally made the transition from Jules being in our room in a bassinet to being in Laeah ' s room in a crib. Yes, I actually bought a brand - spanking new crib for my last child at 7 mos. But, it does transition to a toddler bed and then a full one, although I doubt we'll keep it for the full bed. Anyway, I did shed a few tears...and then I went to sleep.

Friday, July 4, 2014

July 4th

Happy 4th of July!!

We took some family pics (sans the daddy because he was dressed to work on the house instead of getting all prettied up).  This was the only pic in which everyone is doing what they were told to do and someone isn't glaring off into space.  More kids = more awkward family photos.  I like it.  lol 

Quick update on Jules:  she rolls from front to back, back to front, and she'll sit up if you place her in that position.  If on the couch, she will raise herself off the boppy and sit up.  This is all because she had a 6 mos check up last week at which the doctor recommended her for physical therapy because she wasn't strong enough.  She decided to show that doctor!  She wouldn't put weight on her legs for the doctor, but then again, the doctor made us wait 2 hours, past naps, etc. and expected Jules to perform well...whatever!