
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Just Me

Aren't I daring?  I never, never, never post pictures of me...anywhere, really.  I've hated my picture for years, but a lot of things have changed this year, and my hatred of photographs of me is changing as well.  I've now lost about 28 lbs, maybe more by now, and I can definitely see the difference/lack of inflammation in my face.  I have almost always had a double chin, even at my scant 108 lb teenage years, so I'm just accepting it.  I was also able to go through some of my sister's old clothes and find new, smaller things to wear!  I'm back to where I was after I had Snugglebug, over eight years ago, and boy have I missed it!  I still have a mommy-belly, but I don't know that I ever won't.  I do cheat, but that's the great freedom of the food plan I've adopted--I cheat and then I start over in three hours!

I've deemed this my year of change.  I've changed a lot: cloth diapers, healthy food, losing weight, switching schools...I don't know what this year was supposed to be, but I never imagined I'd be right here, right now.

In other news, Fall Break is almost at an end and I'm a bit nervous about the girls beginning the new school next week.  They are both doing excellent--I've taught them most of the multiplication table in a matter of 1.5 weeks, with the help of Times Tales.  People! Buy Times Tales!  It was $20 (after discount) and the stories just click with kids.  Snugglebug has also learned the lowercase cursive letters and I'm teaching Lovely the uppercase as well.  Turns out Snugglebug & I have made it further in this cursive book than Lovely did last year in school...go figure! 

Friday, October 3, 2014

You Are the Brute Squad

Yes, my eldest child is watching The Princess Bride as I type.  That movie only gets better. 

My girls have been out of school since I picked them up on Tuesday.  Two more weeks of fall break.  This means they are getting a fall break almost half the length of their summer break!  And I'm ready to break down!  haha  I just realized today that homeschooling in this small setting with my four children would not be conducive to my health.  I've been working on multiplication with Lovely (apparently their previous school is the only one around where they don't teach multiplication...go figure) and cursive with Snugglebug.  Their new school uses cursive since kindergarten and they are doing double-digit multiplication and division...yikes.  I'm trying to catch them up a bit, but it's a lot of work.  Honestly, academics was one of the main reasons I removed them from their old school.  Now, I pray they flourish in their new school!