Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Long Time No Blog...Or Diet

After finishing the 30 Day Challenge, I became a slacker. You ask, "Why?" Because I knew I was facing Easter weekend (which is always a time of eating with friends and family and spending gross amounts of time doing things other than exercise), the homeschool convention would be the following weekend, and this weekend! Yes, I know--I look great for 25! ;) Well, I'll keep telling my daughters that age anyway, until they wise-up. So, here's the plan:

On Monday, after b-day weekend celebrations have come to a close, I will once again rejoin the ranks of exercisers/dieters. That means exercise will become a priority again, and I will once more attempt to notebook everything I eat. I have tried this method before, but I just never last more than a day...really. So, that's my mini-goal: not to lose a bunch of weight or to exercise non-stop, but to notebook what I eat. How's that for setting achievable goals?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I didn't know you were 25! I thought you were younger than me...I'm only 23! ;) ;)

    Love the achievable goal!


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