Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Perfect Post

I just noticed the date of my last post.  I...just...didn't see it until now?

Ok, I avoided looking until now.  Why, you ask?  Because I want to write the perfect post, of course.  You know.  The side-splitting, laughter inducing sentences with a contemplative undertone. 

Problem is, those just don't come out of my little (big) mouth...nor are they formed from the tiny keys overwhelmed by the pressure by my fingers.  Bumm-er. 

So, instead of prolific prose or giggly zingers, I'm going to make a to-do list for this week.  How many of you make to-do lists?  I make them, and then I realize everything I left off of them.  Then I make a new one.  Then I forget where I placed both of them (old-timers strikes again).

Here's my list for the weekend (that is, until Tuesday because that's when I'm actually required to wear clothing that half-way matches as I speak coherently (hahahaha) in front of 40-some college freshmen.

  1. Rework syllabi calendars--obviously, I thought I had no life when I planned the originals.  Oh, wait.  I don't. Ok, maybe I just want to sleep more.
  2. Grade essays.  Grade essays.  Grade essays. 
  3. Wash, iron, hang, & tag clothing/toys for a kids' sale. 
  4. Call about a couple more job opportunities (how many others can I infect with my grammar par-tic-u-larities?)
  5. Write some lesson plans.  Yep, I actually write this stuff down before it spews out of my mouth.  
  6. Clean the bathroom.  I'm waiting on my gas mask and commercial-grade plastic suit to come in, which is a perfectly good excuse for shutting the door and ignoring what may be growing inside (ewwwwwww).  
  7. Re-design my daughters' doll house before they redecorate the entire thing with colored markers, tiny pieces of toilet paper, and chewed-up straws.  As we all know, one person's trash is my daughters' treasure.  
What's on your to-do list this week?  



  1. My posts tend to be stream-of-consciousness sentences strung together with photos. Sometimes that's all I've got in me. Other times I'm just lazy.

    I make lists, too. Mostly at work, but occasionally at home. Writing thank you notes and following up with a former teacher who sent me a sweet note are two things that have been on my to-do list for...ummm...months? I've promised myself I'll do it tomorrow (always).

  2. I am a list galore person. Every morning I drink a cup of coffee and plan out my day on paper. Nothing is done around without a list. And I make a goal of no list taking more than 2 days. So if I put something down on a list and know it can't be done in 2 days it doesn't go on the list. This way I cant get disappointed. And let's face it a list that doesn't get crossed of items tends to get thrown to the side.


I'm listenin'--and your comments are sooo appreciated!