Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dietary Changes, etc.

So this is what I'm trying first.  I bought it at Rainbow Blossom, where I was told I can return it within 60 days if it doesn't work.  Ok, this is Step #1. 

Step #2:  Cutting out red dyes/artificial colors.  This is a slow process because I just can't throw everything out of our house that has has artificial colors.  I also still need to research more foods that I can buy without them. 

Step #3:  Calm time before bed.  Earlier bedtime. 

Lovely already had limited dairy due to other digestive issues, so I haven't really changed this aspect of her diet.  Really, I do wonder if some of it is just emotional, such as not wanting people to "look" at her (which she's always had issues with), and thus she is zoning out during school.  However, she still enjoys parts of school, such as playing with her friends and art, music, P.E., Spanish, etc., during which she's totally there.  Perhaps she is just getting bored--who knows.  All I know is that homeschooling was next to impossible with her and I decided I didn't want to foster the type of relationship where I was mad and yelled all the time and she was stubborn or crying all the time.  Therefore, she's going to school for now, and we'll see how long it fits for us.  She's still getting excellent grades; she just doesn't volunteer in class (I'd be a hypocrite if I got too mad at her for not volunteering since I never did until college).  I am a little confused, however, because I've heard her read compared to other kids who are supposedly in more advanced reading groups, and oft times, she reads more fluently.  Maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see.  Time will tell. 

In other news, Snugglebug was given the option of retesting for her 10-word colors spelling test (keep in mind, she's in Kindergarten and she had the following words:  blue, orange, red, brown, black, white, yellow, purple, pink, and green).  Some of the words are easy, but some are pretty difficult for this age.  Anyway, I told her she got a B- on the spelling test, and I asked her if she wanted to retake it.  Her response:  "Ummmm.  B- is close to an A."  Way to go, my little overachiever! 

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