Tuesday, January 22, 2013

11 Weeks and Much to Do!

Little Bit is 11 wks old already!  I can't believe how quickly time has passed.  She stares you down now when she wants your attention and then sends huge smiles your way.  She always seems to want to say something, but rarely to the coos come out, and when they do, boy are they worth it!  She is finally willing to sit in my lap and just watch what's going on, so that's good.  I attempted eating pizza yesterday and she answered me with an extreme spit-up episode and several awakenings last night...thus I must wait a little longer to try to introduce dairy back into my diet.  Her room is about complete, but I'm waiting on a dowel rod to paint and use for a curtain rod, and I need to put the decal on the wall...pictures to come.

I had a meeting with Snugglebug's teacher last week because apparently, she can't do this, this, and that in class.  Yet, I go over it with her at home and...surprise!  She knows it pretty well.  This makes me question my choice to send her to charter school, but I'm not sure how to take on homeschooling while teaching any college courses and with a small infant.  I'll be in prayer about this.  Meanwhile, I've been going over all her schoolwork again each night:  clocks, math, reading, more reading, language arts, and more math.   Is it normal to spend at least an hour each night going over facts/reading when it's not even part of the homework?  hmmmmm....However, I do hope federal funding for private preschools passes in our state--I LOVE the preschool at the girls' school, but it's not part of the actual school because it is church-based. 

In other news, my sisters and I threw a 70th birthday party for my mom.  She said it was one of the best days of her life, so I'm glad it turned out so well!  I think she often forgets how many people really care about her since she stays at home so much and the rest of us get busy with our lives (although, I'm there quite frequently!). 

What are your plans for when you are seventy?

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