Saturday, September 20, 2014

School, School, Horrible School

I told my mom the other day that she was so lucky that we lived in a good school district so she didn't have to make any decisions about switching and there were experienced, good teachers who cared and taught accurately.  I said, "It affected the rest of my life." And that hit me.  It was true; elementary school was the important to me, so if I have a daughter begging to leave her current school, I should pay attention. 

Honestly, I didn't like school because I was so shy and never had any friends in my class.  However, I loved learning!  Obviously--I was in school forever and have my master's degree after all!  I don't want my children hating school, and I don't want them falling behind in academics.  Yet, my 4th grader has been begging to get out of that school from day one of this year.  I said we'd give it till Christmas.  Well, now I decided I want my money back!  Just some of the issues:
  • Tests have inaccuracies/mistakes on them.
  • Teacher does not explain and tells Lovely to do it herself--no more questions.
  • Teacher yells--all.the.time.  Lovely said she's told students, "Duh," and similar things. 
  • Test, test, test.  Pre-test.  Post-test.  Practice ISTEP test.  Practice NWEA test.  Too many tests!! 
  • Math stinks.  Horrid, horrid curriculum.  
  • Blanket punishments.  10 out of 20 kids were talking out of turn during class?  Let's make them all write 50 sentences!  
These are just a few of my issues.  I actually have a ton more.  Lovely was blamed for making a mess in the bathroom the other day when she had no part of it.  She was in tears when I picked her up, so I marched in and talked to the principal. Never did I get an apology--just a denial that any yelling took place, despite her sounding like she was almost yelling when talking to me.

So, I'm either homeschooling or sending the girls to a small private Christian school.  I really liked the principal at the new school--no one was intimidating, and the children all had smiles when they saw the administration!  It's a drive and costs a bit each month, but the Lord will provide if we are to do that.  I must make my decision during the upcoming week, however.  

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