
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Jule Turns One

This is what we did this weekend...

All because my youngest sweetheart turned one!  I tried to do a smash cake picture, but she spent her time gingerly lifting the red icing from the cake and aiming for her mouth,  She apparently wasn't too fond of the actual chocolate cake hidden beneath the globs of red and green.  

I made the cute sign behind her, but I don't really want to post that much detailed info about my little girl on here.  I could totally get into making those signs, though!  I did it the hard way (by hand), but in the future, I may use Photoshop and then get it from Staples as an Engineer Print.  Then, I would simply mount it to cardboard and color in what I want to color.  By hand is final, and there are a few changes I would make now had I the chance. 

Now, back to Jule.  She's my very aggressive, knows what she wants, throws a temper tantrum child.  She lets Laeah grab toys from her all of the time, but if she demands something from me, I better do it or I get head-butted.  Not fun.  No, I don't always let her do what she wants, namely rolling off the changing table/couch/whatever and streaking around the house.  Did I mention she hates being still, having her diaper changed, or getting dressed?  She still isn't walking, but she's finally standing for several seconds at a time without holding on to anything.  She loves food (the real stuff--not that fake baby and bouncing.  

My, this year has passed quickly, and yet so much has changed. What has changed in your life? 

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