While other grad students are either studying or having fun, I find myself sorting through children's clothes, digging through laundry, reminding Lovely to practice handwriting, and prodding Snugglebug to count. Tantrums are common. Snot is constant. Hugs are all-encompassing. Kisses are calming. Stress is at an all-time high and yet, I love my Lovely and my Snugglebug and cherish each moment...
(Ok, not the AHHHHH...she hit me! She kicked me! She took my orange pig! I can't find my other shoe! I can't get my socks on! Waaahhhh! I want candy! Knock, knock...who's there? Me? Me who? Me big truck....knock, knock...who's there? [repeat 17 times] You just don't love me! Mom, she's licking me again! Mommy, she broke your doll! Ahh! She's naked!)
So, how crazy are your days?
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