Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Black & White Kinda Feelin'

I just found these on my computer and fell in love.  I hope you enjoy!  Oh--and I've done nothing to them--no photo shop, no Picasa, nada!

This is S's normal face when I ask him to smile for the camera (which explains why his pic isn't often featured on my blog):

"I'm having fun, Mama, I am...the sun is just so bright!"

A sweeping view from Catalina.  Why didn't I appreciate this when I lived there?

"I think I found another cactus sticker..."

My camera kept going back to this dead saguaro, refusing to leave its post until it completely withers and rots away...

This is just typical Snugglebug.  PERFECTLY captured, attitude and all.

Again, caught red-handed, all Snugglebug:

Who doesn't enjoy watching someone else eat sticky marshmallows?

And who doesn't chuckle when a bit of marshmallow lingers at the corners of such a cute mouth?

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1 comment:

  1. Pics are awesome! I must say though, I always loved the desert when I lived I just long to see it again. Lord willing we will go back this year.


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