I know I had recently thought, "Why on earth do people suddenly decide to quit FB?" And the more I thought about it, honestly, the more tempting it became. I'm sure I'll be back (sound familiar, Allison? lol Please don't call me a copycat!), but I'm not sure when.
So why did I do it (I know I'm talking to a practically empty room, so let me better understand myself)? I needed to find some strand of sanity without the water well of tears that seems to always lurk behind this pregnant woman's emotions (we are a very teary-eyed bunch, you know, crying at everything from a shirt no longer fitting to not being able to find the brand of cereal we like in the grocery store...ok, maybe not THAT bad). Anyway, it seemed like with every post I read and every post I posted, I got a little more teary-eyed. I know I'm not supposed to envy others, but I honestly wonder what I did/do to so many to see dinner invitations, parties, vacations with friends--and I'm never included. Apparently, my sick sense of humor is to blame, or my lackluster enthusiasm over _________ (fill-in the blank). Maybe on one phonecall or another, I seemed distant or sullen, which was really a slight distrust coursing through the phoneline, wondering how I'll be excluded once again. Or, perhaps my hubby is to blame (as he always tells me). Nevertheless, I feel like a tag-along. You know, that friend who just happens to be at the basketball game so you manage to say, "Hi, how are you?" but you keep going before I can answer entirely, yet I continue to follow you around the stands, hoping to strike up meaningful conversation.
Maybe my feelings are just extra hurt lately, but I'm tired of long-distance relationships with people who live 20-30 minutes away. I know you're busy, I know I'm busy, but what's the harm in at least a voice mail if one of us doesn't pick up the phone? I've called, I've had people over for dinner, I've texted, and I've emailed--and as far as I can remember, I'm always the last to do so (and in the case of dinner, the only to do so, with the exception of one far-away friend). I was in a car accident (granted, not a large one), but having those contractions scared me. The miserable pain the next day scared me. Who called? My mom's friend in Pennsylvania to make sure everything was all right.
Perhaps I'm blaming the wrong things for these feelings. I admit, I feel like I'm drowning in my own house with so much to do and no where to even put a baby...seriously. I know people used to live in one-room houses, but I just don't know how to go about it and I can't move furniture (or deer heads) myself, so I'm just stuck...I do find it interesting how so many people (whom I've actually spoken with) said, "At least you'll have plenty of girl stuff for this baby since you already have girls." Really? Do other people honestly keep everything from nearly 7 years ago? Stained and soiled? I am thankful I kept as much as I did, because I've already spent at least $700 on baby stuff--crib, dresser, carseat, stroller, clothing, etc. And as much as I don't feel like getting up tomorrow (Saturday) to go to work, I know I have to in order to pay for all of the above, and the diapers I need to begin accumulating.
Perhaps the crux of the matter is the young guy who rear-ended me but lied and said I had already "slammed the brakes" and hit the car in front of me and THEN he couldn't stop so he hit me. Honestly? LIAR. I at first gave him the benefit of the doubt until I realized he was on the phone with his dad and then asked if I wanted to file a claim, and then the police showed up and he gave his statement. Seriously? Lying about a car accident with a pregnant teacher? How low can someone be? The insurance agent already warned me that his insurance may refuse to pay because of that statement. One word: Pray.
Then, I went to the doctor today, and although my bp was wonderful (114/60), I have another infection. I was told a prescription would be called in. It wasn't. Did you know they don't page doctors for prescriptions? So even though it was the doctor's office's fault, I have to wait until Tuesday to get it straightened out.
Next, I was standing in line at Meijer and a woman actually cut in line ahead of me in all my prego belly glory. I admit, I thought a few mean thoughts and gave a few mean looks. And then I realized one day I will probably just explode and the white uniform men will have to lock me away. Maybe this is my explosion? An explosion of text dripping with tears and emotional hormones.
I feel so much better since writing this, and yet I'll probably chicken out and delete this post within a few minutes. Writing takes guts, though, and good writing takes guts and honesty. Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying this is good writing, but it may eventually lead to it....if the padded cell allows me to use pen/paper/laptop.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Just What I Needed {Ya, Right}
Sorry--this post won't be tooo positive today (although I don't know that there's anyone left reading them anyway!). I started back at work yesterday: taught two classes and tutored. While leaving campus for the day, I ended up being rear-ended and pushed into the guy in front of me. It doesn't look like there's a bunch of external damage, but who knows. The teenager who hit me actually asked if I even wanted to make a claim....ummm, lemme think...I'm 7mos pregnant and my 3 yr old car is all scratched up...what would you do? Exactly. I sat for an hour in 94 degree weather waiting on the very unfriendly police to get finished, who so nicely said, "You can pick up the report Thurs. It'll be $8."
While waiting, I called my Ob's office and if you've been prego before, you know what I was told: Go to the ER. Yeah for me! So I spent 5 hours in the ER last night and had two episodes of terrible contractions. Like, made me cry a little contractions. Not cool. I was finally told that I was dehydrated (what??? I'd been drinking --not drinking--all day), hadn't eaten in several hours, stressed, and had a UTI (fun, fun!) and that was probably why I was having contractions. They kept acting like my blood pressure was a big deal, but honestly, whose blood pressure isn't a little high after a car accident, let along while 7 mos prego?!
I had a lot of pain last night, and more this morning, but after extra rest and water, things seem to be much better. I just don't remember my stomach feeling this heavy so early on in pregnancy, but it makes it difficult to move. And, I really have no desire to get my work done. I've finally reached the point where I'm thinking, "Ughh. I've taken on too much." Really, Einstein? lol I'm sooo looking forward to Christmas!
While waiting, I called my Ob's office and if you've been prego before, you know what I was told: Go to the ER. Yeah for me! So I spent 5 hours in the ER last night and had two episodes of terrible contractions. Like, made me cry a little contractions. Not cool. I was finally told that I was dehydrated (what??? I'd been drinking --not drinking--all day), hadn't eaten in several hours, stressed, and had a UTI (fun, fun!) and that was probably why I was having contractions. They kept acting like my blood pressure was a big deal, but honestly, whose blood pressure isn't a little high after a car accident, let along while 7 mos prego?!
I had a lot of pain last night, and more this morning, but after extra rest and water, things seem to be much better. I just don't remember my stomach feeling this heavy so early on in pregnancy, but it makes it difficult to move. And, I really have no desire to get my work done. I've finally reached the point where I'm thinking, "Ughh. I've taken on too much." Really, Einstein? lol I'm sooo looking forward to Christmas!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Girls, Girls, Girls
Here are the latest u/s pics...
Even though I haven't been exactly happy with the ultrasounds at this office (they are soooo much blurrier than my other ones), I love this one because of the little arms rubbing her face:

I know S & I both believed it would be a boy, and we both wanted a boy, but the Lord has a way of working things out for our good, unbeknownst to us. I prayed before this u/s that I would definitely know one way or another, and although the tech previously said there are "no 100%s," she said it is definitely (even used my word) a girl. Approx. weight at 27 wks and 3 days: 2 lbs 10 oz. I have an actual doctor's appt next Friday, at which I'll have the yucky bloodwork and glucose screening (chances of passing since I failed the other two: slim to none).
Here is our latest huge purchase. My first carseat cost around $70. However, they've made them smaller since (not good for a fam that has big babies), and they just don't pad very well. Additionally, they make them so they don't fit in the top of grocery carts anymore (say what? I know people say it's dangerous, but until it's law, I plan on holding onto the carseat while it's in the cart. I have definite issues differentiating between a carseat up top and a 3 yr old boucing and trying to climb out--yet they are still allowed in it. Ok, off my soapbox now...). Long story short, this came in a travel system that I could only buy from Babies R Us. I waited until they had a 20% off deal, and then I made the big purchase. I also decided to teach a Sat morning class so I could make the purchase:

When we went to pick it up, an old man gave my girls $20 for their good behavior. Say what? I know, I'm just as surprised as you are. See what happens when you don't hide amongst the shelves or climb on displays? Personally, I think I should earn $20 just for not bringing them with me most of the time... j/k.
So since we've accepted the fact that we're having another girl, S said the name is "all" me. Not sure how I feel about that, but I do feel blessed that I won't have a child with the name of Frank--at least not at this time. So, here are my name thoughts:
#1 Adalae Faith/Grace-- It's pronounced phonectically, so if you pronounced it Ad-uh-lay, kudos to you! It means "noble kind [of] faith/grace" or "noble faith/grace." S said there may be some lewd comments made about it, but I feel like most pople can turn anything lewd if that's their objective. Thoughts?
Other name options include Adaline and Auriella, but I'm not convinced about either of those. I liked Everleigh, but that's how I arrived at Adalae. I can also shorten it to Addy or Adly. I always wanted a child with a "j" name like me, but I don't like any other "j" names for my daughter (please don't take offense if you have a "j" name!).
Please feel free to make a suggestion. I did have a name list, but I've lost it, ironically now that we know what we're having. Lovely is super excited to be getting another sister, so there's a plus :) And now I get to go shopping for some super cute headbands and hats! Little Treasures Consignment Sale, here I come!
Even though I haven't been exactly happy with the ultrasounds at this office (they are soooo much blurrier than my other ones), I love this one because of the little arms rubbing her face:

I know S & I both believed it would be a boy, and we both wanted a boy, but the Lord has a way of working things out for our good, unbeknownst to us. I prayed before this u/s that I would definitely know one way or another, and although the tech previously said there are "no 100%s," she said it is definitely (even used my word) a girl. Approx. weight at 27 wks and 3 days: 2 lbs 10 oz. I have an actual doctor's appt next Friday, at which I'll have the yucky bloodwork and glucose screening (chances of passing since I failed the other two: slim to none).
Here is our latest huge purchase. My first carseat cost around $70. However, they've made them smaller since (not good for a fam that has big babies), and they just don't pad very well. Additionally, they make them so they don't fit in the top of grocery carts anymore (say what? I know people say it's dangerous, but until it's law, I plan on holding onto the carseat while it's in the cart. I have definite issues differentiating between a carseat up top and a 3 yr old boucing and trying to climb out--yet they are still allowed in it. Ok, off my soapbox now...). Long story short, this came in a travel system that I could only buy from Babies R Us. I waited until they had a 20% off deal, and then I made the big purchase

When we went to pick it up, an old man gave my girls $20 for their good behavior. Say what? I know, I'm just as surprised as you are. See what happens when you don't hide amongst the shelves or climb on displays? Personally, I think I should earn $20 just for not bringing them with me most of the time... j/k.
So since we've accepted the fact that we're having another girl, S said the name is "all" me. Not sure how I feel about that, but I do feel blessed that I won't have a child with the name of Frank--at least not at this time. So, here are my name thoughts:
#1 Adalae Faith/Grace-- It's pronounced phonectically, so if you pronounced it Ad-uh-lay, kudos to you! It means "noble kind [of] faith/grace" or "noble faith/grace." S said there may be some lewd comments made about it, but I feel like most pople can turn anything lewd if that's their objective. Thoughts?
Other name options include Adaline and Auriella, but I'm not convinced about either of those. I liked Everleigh, but that's how I arrived at Adalae. I can also shorten it to Addy or Adly. I always wanted a child with a "j" name like me, but I don't like any other "j" names for my daughter (please don't take offense if you have a "j" name!).
Please feel free to make a suggestion. I did have a name list, but I've lost it, ironically now that we know what we're having. Lovely is super excited to be getting another sister, so there's a plus :) And now I get to go shopping for some super cute headbands and hats! Little Treasures Consignment Sale, here I come!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
DB Score and Monthly Appointment
Score! I just ordered this diaper bag off Zulily for $34.99, orig. $80. I've never seen it cheaper than $72! I know it's a bit girly, but S said it wouldn't really matter (go figure). I said I wouldn't order a hot pink diaper bag if I was having a boy and his exact response was: "Why not? Aren't you a hot pink mama?" I think he's a bit giddy at this time of night.
Speaking of the baby's sex. The tech said it looks like...girl parts. S doesn't believe her, of course, and it was very difficult to even get the slightest look from any angle. You be the judge:
The legs are practically all the way closed (once again) and they're a bit in the way. Also, since this isn't the entire pic, it leans more toward being a girl. I have another u/s in 3 wks to check the spine since she couldn't get a good view of it.
Blood pressure is still pretty good- 130/82, which is slightly high, but not abnormal for me. I've gained 7 lbs total, but my ankles have begun to swell. We went outlet shopping Sunday and I knew it was time to quit when I looked down at my ankles and only saw cankles!
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