Even though I haven't been exactly happy with the ultrasounds at this office (they are soooo much blurrier than my other ones), I love this one because of the little arms rubbing her face:

I know S & I both believed it would be a boy, and we both wanted a boy, but the Lord has a way of working things out for our good, unbeknownst to us. I prayed before this u/s that I would definitely know one way or another, and although the tech previously said there are "no 100%s," she said it is definitely (even used my word) a girl. Approx. weight at 27 wks and 3 days: 2 lbs 10 oz. I have an actual doctor's appt next Friday, at which I'll have the yucky bloodwork and glucose screening (chances of passing since I failed the other two: slim to none).
Here is our latest huge purchase. My first carseat cost around $70. However, they've made them smaller since (not good for a fam that has big babies), and they just don't pad very well. Additionally, they make them so they don't fit in the top of grocery carts anymore (say what? I know people say it's dangerous, but until it's law, I plan on holding onto the carseat while it's in the cart. I have definite issues differentiating between a carseat up top and a 3 yr old boucing and trying to climb out--yet they are still allowed in it. Ok, off my soapbox now...). Long story short, this came in a travel system that I could only buy from Babies R Us. I waited until they had a 20% off deal, and then I made the big purchase

When we went to pick it up, an old man gave my girls $20 for their good behavior. Say what? I know, I'm just as surprised as you are. See what happens when you don't hide amongst the shelves or climb on displays? Personally, I think I should earn $20 just for not bringing them with me most of the time... j/k.
So since we've accepted the fact that we're having another girl, S said the name is "all" me. Not sure how I feel about that, but I do feel blessed that I won't have a child with the name of Frank--at least not at this time. So, here are my name thoughts:
#1 Adalae Faith/Grace-- It's pronounced phonectically, so if you pronounced it Ad-uh-lay, kudos to you! It means "noble kind [of] faith/grace" or "noble faith/grace." S said there may be some lewd comments made about it, but I feel like most pople can turn anything lewd if that's their objective. Thoughts?
Other name options include Adaline and Auriella, but I'm not convinced about either of those. I liked Everleigh, but that's how I arrived at Adalae. I can also shorten it to Addy or Adly. I always wanted a child with a "j" name like me, but I don't like any other "j" names for my daughter (please don't take offense if you have a "j" name!).
Please feel free to make a suggestion. I did have a name list, but I've lost it, ironically now that we know what we're having. Lovely is super excited to be getting another sister, so there's a plus :) And now I get to go shopping for some super cute headbands and hats! Little Treasures Consignment Sale, here I come!
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