Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Just What I Needed {Ya, Right}

Sorry--this post won't be tooo positive today (although I don't know that there's anyone left reading them anyway!).  I started back at work yesterday:  taught two classes and tutored.  While leaving campus for the day, I ended up being rear-ended and pushed into the guy in front of me.  It doesn't look like there's a bunch of external damage, but who knows.  The teenager who hit me actually asked if I even wanted to make a claim....ummm, lemme think...I'm 7mos pregnant and my 3 yr old car is all scratched up...what would you do?  Exactly.  I sat for an hour in 94 degree weather waiting on the very unfriendly police to get finished, who so nicely said, "You can pick up the report Thurs.  It'll be $8." 

While waiting, I called my Ob's office and if you've been prego before, you know what I was told:  Go to the ER.  Yeah for me!  So I spent 5 hours in the ER last night and had two episodes of terrible contractions.  Like, made me cry a little contractions.  Not cool.  I was finally told that I was dehydrated (what??? I'd been drinking --not drinking--all day), hadn't eaten in several hours, stressed, and had a UTI (fun, fun!) and that was probably why I was having contractions.  They kept acting like my blood pressure was a big deal, but honestly, whose blood pressure isn't a little high after a car accident, let along while 7 mos prego?! 

I had a lot of pain last night, and more this morning, but after extra rest and water, things seem to be much better.  I just don't remember my stomach feeling this heavy so early on in pregnancy, but it makes it difficult to move.  And, I really have no desire to get my work done.  I've finally reached the point where I'm thinking, "Ughh.  I've taken on too much."  Really, Einstein?  lol  I'm sooo looking forward to Christmas! 

1 comment:

  1. :/ sorry about the accident but Thank the Lord you or baby weren't hurt!!! Im glad you're feeling better...take good care of yourself!


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