Wednesday, March 13, 2013

4 Month Check-Up

12.5 lbs and 24 inches long...a bit small for her age, according to her doctor.  She does seem petite, but this is due to a problem I've encountered before, but never this early:  slowed/minimal lactation.  You know how they say "just keep nursing" and "don't give a bottle, no matter what; you're body will know what to produce"?  Well, apparently my body speaks a foreign language without an interpreter.  I kept at it, really I did.  Until the day arrived when Laea had only two wet diapers, one of which wasn't very wet.  Then S weighed her--she had only gained 1/2 lb in about 7 wks--not good.  So, I gave in and bought formula, which she has been gobbling up.  I still nurse as often as possible, and I pump to build somewhat of a back-up supply, but I only produce 2 oz at a time--she's been wanting 4-6 oz!

I was told to start her on cereal as well, so I'm trying that tonight.  I'm researching making my own baby food, also, because she starts veggies next month.  I want her to eat healthy, clean food, and I'm thinking making my own will be the best way to go.  It looks like I'll just use my own steam pan and blender, as the baby food makers don't have great reviews, unless they cost $100+.  If you have any baby food recipes, please send them my way!
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1 comment:

  1. My sis-in-law has the baby bullet (at least I think she does) and I thought she loved it! Not sure if she was interested in selling but I could ask if you're interested.

    There is some supplements and natural items to help you produce more milk....if you want to try that route....and perhaps you've already looked these up. It might or might not make a difference but you won't know unless you try!


I'm listenin'--and your comments are sooo appreciated!