Monday, March 4, 2013

Smiles for Breakfast

I know...from the post title, you would expect to see a smiling face instead of a shiny bald spot.  Perhaps another day--I keep my camera in her room, and it's difficult not to wake her by digging it out.  Anyway, this is just a reminder:  Cherish morning smiles.  Remember them.  Let them warm your hearts years later when your child resembles a vampire rising from a tomb during midday, growling, grumping, and flinging limbs.  Cherish it.

Other moms always told me to do that.  They said, "It goes so fast.  Cherish it."  I thought, "Well, of course I'm cherishing it--I know it goes fast!"  The thing is, no matter how many times someone is told this, no matter how much that person thinks s/he knows this, it doesn't sink in until it's gone, and it's absence is underscored once s/he finally gets to experience it again.  I love the giant smiles, and I miss them in my older girls.  Don't get me wrong; they still smile and Snugglebug skips everywhere she goes, but it's not the same as that unassuming smile--the smile that knows no bounds and expects nothing more of you than kindness and love.  That said, you just have to experience it!  Oh, and the adoring gaze that comes with nursing.  I'm going to miss these things all the more as Laea ages.  What do you miss? 
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