Friday, March 22, 2013


I walked into the nursery this morning to find this:

Laea had learned to roll over sometime during the night!  Not five months old, so before I know it, she'll be sitting up!  I put her down for a nap later that morning, and once again saw her on her tummy when I looked at the monitor.  For a gal who hates tummy time, she's certainly ending up on it a lot now!  The thing is, me being super worrier mom, I always get nervous when I see her face planted in the mattress.  I know this is just a stage, but I got nervous the same way with my older gals.

Feeding is going all right.  I've added cereal 1-2 times/day (doc said 3x, but I can't get her to cooperate that often).  She's finally opening her mouth without sticking her tongue out, which makes life easier, but I've had to add apple juice to her organic rice cereal in order to get it in there.  Get this:  Motts for Tots has less sugar, calories, carbs, etc. than Gerber juice for babies...

I'm at a crossroads with nursing.  I'm just not sure it's worth it anymore.  Don't get me wrong--I'm a big advocate for it, but I'm only producing 2 oz every 3 hrs., total. I've been taking fenugreek, drinking 8-12 glasses of water per day, and I've added milk into my diet to see if that helps (she's just spitting up more, it seems).  I've sat in silence, I've taken relaxing breaths, I've dimmed the lights--all to no avail.  I'm thinking of calling the lactation consultant at the hospital where I delivered because they say they're with the mothers for the whole nursing journey, but I really don't know how they would be able to help.  Honestly, this is my third child and nursing has become more difficult with each one.  Sigh.

Oh, well.  Laea is an extremely happy baby who laughs and smiles all the time, and jabbers whenever she sees fit.  I can't believe how blessed we are, and if all babies could be like her, I would consider becoming a Duggar mom!  lol.  I went to the Kid Stuff Sale on the new mommy day (Wed) and spent around $140, but I got so much stuff!  (Discount days are Sat. & Sun.)  I bought a few dresses for Laea, several for Lovely & Snugglebug, shirts, a Moby carrier (HIGHLY recommended--way more than those carriers with buckles), a birthday present for Snugglebug (toy), a Jenny Jump Up, socks, three pairs of shoes, books galore, LPS toys, car window shade & mirror...I can't remember what else.  Lovely helped me while I shopped, and I spent about 2.5 hrs there!

Have you found any deals lately?
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