Friday, August 30, 2013

School & Such

Last night was Lovely's 3rd Grade Open House.  It's amazing--I never once attended an open house when I was in school, but I always go to my children's.  Each child had a job to tell the parents about at various stations around the room.  I really like the new building the girls moved into; the classrooms are so much larger so we didn't feel squished as we moved about the room.  I still know most of the kids in Lovely's class.  They added a 2nd 3rd grade to the school this year, but there are still only 5 boys in Lovely's class and 15 girls...whew! 

So far, school is a love-hate relationship with Lovely.  She loves it and loves her teacher one day, and the next day she tells me she's ready to homeschool again.  She is learning a lot, but I can tell she's extremely stressed.  She forgets her homework, her planner, her folder, her lunch...anything and everything.  I'm hoping it gets easier as the year progresses, but we'll see.  I have reservations about 4th grade, so I'm not sure what we'll be doing yet.  Her current teacher probably thinks I'm crazy.  Lovely came home with a worksheet on fragments & complete sentences that had one question marked wrong:  "Put the backpack on the couch."  Well, yes, it is a complete sentence (imperative) when looked at individually.  However, it was part of a story that involved a child putting a toad in his/her backpack, and there was no one to receive the order, so therefore, it was missing the "I" part of the sentence.  Instead of emailing the teacher, I found the answer sheet online, which also said Lovely was wrong.  So, as any grammar nut would do, I emailed the worksheet company and explained the situation.  I received an email the following day saying they added "I" to the sentence.  Mission accomplished.  Craziness achieved. 

Snugglebug still loves school.  She does her school work herself most of the time, which can be problematic since she doesn't always give it to me to check, so I don't know it's there.  Thus far, she's still gotten A's on everything. 

Meanwhile, I've had one more doctor appt.  I haven't gained anymore weight, although as S put it, I definitely have a preggo belly now.  I'm still battling blood sugar levels.  What's crazy is I can eat things that never messed it up last time, but it goes crazy this time.  Then, I can eat a cookie (like last night) and I have the best levels I've had in weeks.  Crazy.  I have another appt. in two weeks. 

Laeah has been smiley as usual.  I just wish I knew the recipe of creating this happy baby; she is honestly the happiest baby I have ever seen in my life.  She still crawls most places, but stands up everywhere, and I noticed her taking a few extra cruisin' steps today.  She gets bored with food easily, so she prefers what we eat as much as possible, which has a bit more variety.  She still says Da-Da most of the time, which is irritating to some degree...and she grabs Snugglebug's nose, pulls her face down to her, and gives her a great big kiss.  I watch L give Snugglebug 14 kisses last night.  Me?  One.  Ah well, at least I got one! 

Oh, school started for me this past week as well.  My 131 students are soooo quiet that it's driving me crazy.  My 231 students talk and talk and talk...they're pretty awesome thus far.  I drop off the girls at school, drop Laeah at my mom's, and head to school at 9 a.m.  I leave for home at 12:15 p.m.  Who can beat that work day?  Especially since it's only two days/week?  Speaking of school, I need to create a few more lesson plans...

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