Thursday, August 15, 2013

What a Beautiful Baby

I recently saw a clip about a woman who was told to leave a cafe and only return if she left her children behind--all because they left too big of a mess on the floor.  The children were 1 and 3, and I wondered what 1 year old has the pristine manners of a well-groomed adult, even though the restaurant claims to be kid friendly.  I seriously doubt their claim. 

I admit, I am a restaurant-aholic.  I don't enjoy cooking much while pregnant because nothing tastes good to me, and I'm just plain tired.  (I made dinner tonight--it was all right.)  Anyway, I read another post tonight about restaurants to which you just don't take your kids.  Apparently, I defy reason, hauling my brood of three and my bulging belly into restaurants.  And yet, I've been complimented several times lately about my well-behaved children.  A baby?  In a restaurant?  I have to say, Laeah is extremely well-behaved (although very talkative in her baby language), but demands the attention of everyone within eyesight, all so she can give them a huge grin.  I forgot how many complete strangers will talk to you because you have a smiling baby.  Oh, and my portable, table-attaching high chair (that I will never voluntarily dispose of because it's just plain handy and only has my baby germs, no one else's); people always have to comment on how neat the chair is.

Now, on an almost completely different note, Laeah has begun pulling up, standing, and taking tiny, tiny steps around the table.  She still gives kisses.  She demands attention if you're not giving it to her.  Oh, and the kicker.  Our conversation the other day:

Me:  "Say Mama."
Laeah:  "Da-da."
Me:  "Say Mama."
Laeah:  "Da-da." 

Because this is the third time of this happening, and because she's being a little stinker, I'm feeling a bit frustrated.  Tonight she yelled "MA!" but that's the closest she comes, the little stinker.  Oh, how I love the little stinker :)  Did I mention when I put her on the floor, she crawls around and sets all four brakes on the high chair, and then smiles and snorts at me?  All because she knows I don't want the brakes on.   Well, at least that's my interpretation of it! 

In other news, both the older two are loving school, learning, and their teachers.  Lovely still shows a high level of anxiety, though, worrying about everything.  I think that works havoc on her digestive system, so I guess I'm going to have to look into anxiety relief.  For example, she came home the other day and cried because the teacher told them about the IRead test that if they don't pass, they aren't allowed to move on to 4th grade.  The thing is, Lovely scored in the 91st percentile for reading on her tests last year, so why the worry?  I told her how great that was, but that doesn't calm her.  Have I mentioned 3rd graders appear to know everything and their mom's know nothing? lol 

Also, I found a message on the answering machine asking that I call the doctor's office.  I had my glucose test the Tues. before last, so I have the feeling this relates to it.  I hate that test.  And now, I have the feeling all sugar will be banished from my life for the next...17 weeks.  Ugh.  The good news lately?  I finally felt kicking on the outside of my belly the night before last :) 

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