Tuesday, July 30, 2013

"Maybe You'll Finally Get Your Boy."

I can't tell you how many times S and I heard that once someone found out we are expecting our forth child.  Countless.  Next question:  Are you stopping at four, or are you going to have more?

Well, apparently we are not getting "our" boy.  Apparently, we don't have one.  At least that's what the u/s tech said (well, not in those words exactly...).  It looks like this will be another girl, so we will have four of a kind.  It's a little disappointing to not be able to have a son, but the Lord's perfect will be done.  It does get frustrating when I hear people say they finally got their girl/boy because the Lord gives you the desire of your heart, but we know He knows best.  I actually feel a little bad because at the u/s we were told it looks like a girl, and we just stayed quiet.  Don't get me wrong--we love this baby no matter what--but I can't say I was really surprised, and this isn't our first go-round, so we just said, "Ok." That was that!  Anyway, there is nothing wrong with having four girls, and we aren't missing out on anything we shouldn't be missing out on.  My mom told me I have to convince myself that I just am better with girls anyway.  The problem with that theory is that I originally thought that, and then I changed my mind and grew to want a boy.  However, I will love and cherish my children no matter, so I don't need to convince myself of anything--at least that's my theory :)

Now, on to the name game.  We struggled with Laeah's name last time, so who knows how we'll find two more names!  I'm leaning toward Juliet Isabella, or Juliet Noel, but S doesn't think the first two go together, and I don't think he likes the other middle name

Now, as for stopping at four.  That is between us and whatever God has planned.  No, I'm not setting out to have five children...or six....or become a Dugger.  Four is a good number in my mind, but we'll see if God changes my heart.

I have an early glucose test next Tuesday, which I'm not looking forward to, but I know it must be done.  I've been trying to eat healthier the last week or so, but I must say, I love hamburgers these days--a little too much!  Then, I have another appt. in a month, along with another u/s because once again, the spine and heart weren't very clear--just like with Laeah.  I wish they'd just buy a better machine because it's difficult to see anything on it clearly!  I thought I saw something else in the u/s, but then the tech pointed out the three lines for a girl...you'd think after 17 or so u/s, I'd be able to make out the body parts better!  Actually, I can--it's the machine, I tell ya!

1 comment:

  1. Four girls will be wonderful! I'm so excited for you all! Sorry you have to put up with all of those unwanted comments.


I'm listenin'--and your comments are sooo appreciated!