Monday, July 8, 2013

Barely Keeping Up

I thought I had so much more energy than I had a couple months ago, but it just never seems to be enough!  I was told being pregnant in your 30s is much different than in your 20s, and I had agreed--I liked it better last time around, until the gestational diabetes thing.  This time--I'm just exhausted no matter what!  I get what seems like nothing done around the house because Laea is a mommy's girl and likes to sit with me...and she's too cute to deny her anything!

I finally finished unpacking from our vacation last week.  However, if looks as if I've simply taken a pile from the living room and placed it in the bedroom, bathroom, etc. I've spent today clearing the living room and steam-washing the floor while Lovely dusted most of it for me. We've washed dishes and emptied the dishwasher, and I've paid bills.  I also read with Snugglebug and hunted out more books for Lovely because she's required to read 3 chapter books off of a certain list for school--a list for 3rd-5th grade, with no distinction between grade levels.  I'm a bit irked at that, considering she's only going into 3rd grade! 

Laea is full-out crawling now, and getting into trouble!  We've caught her pulling herself up several times now, so I'm going to have to remove any mobiles from the crib and most likely lower the mattress shortly. She keeps growing out of everything and is now 18 lbs according to our scale.  I have nothing to do with the clothes yet because I don't know if the new bean is a boy or girl, although I hope to find out shortly and then go through the clothes. 

Anyway, those are all my accomplishments for the day.  I have an urge to bake, and yet I know I shouldn't be eating sweets right now.  I bought material and a few patterns over the holiday that I hope to begin tomorrow--yikes!  Measuring is definitely not my strong point!  I also have several projects around the house that I'd like to get started.  I have this overwhelming urge to move, yet we have a bizillion projects (no, that is not hyperbole) to accomplish first.  I'd like to put the house up for sale next spring/summer (or yesterday), but the Lord's will be done.  One bathroom with three little girls will be challenging to say the least, but the main reason I want to move is to find peace.  My street is mostly quiet, but there are some loud cars that have recently moved into the neighborhood, I'm not thrilled with all my neighbors, and honestly, I don't want my children playing with most of the kids in the neighborhood.  I want land--green land--and space.  So, please pray for our peace! 

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