This is my latest project. I haven't crocheted for a while--I had attempted a baby hat for a friend last year, but it just wouldn't work out like I had wanted it!
I'll have to look up the pattern for this blanket later to share. I found it free on Ravelry and chose it because it seemed the easiet. However, I still had to look up the main stitches and interpret some of the abreviations. The first couple rows don't look so great, so I may go back and try to fix those later. I have a real problem with edges, but I think I've gotten the hang of this one now. I chose these colors because they look so Victorian and feminine, things that will likely match my bundle's name. I'd like to make a matching hat and leg warmers, but we'll see how much I can get finished over the course of four days!
Yes, FOUR DAYS! I only have about 7 more shots to take, but I do have to stop at the hospital so they can do my CBC. I was told I can say I don't need the tour and that I've already answered all the questions :D I'm still waiting on the hospital bag I ordered from Kohls to be delivered, so I'm praying it makes it here before we leave.
Shopping...I'm pretty much addicted to online shopping right now. I ordered a lot (compared to what I'm used to buying) over Thanksgiving, which included new phones. S hadn't gotten a new phone in about four years and you could hardly hear him when he called. He needs it for business and it's a tax write-off, so we finally gave in and joined the Smartphone world. I'm a bit overwhelmed, but excited I can use my camera on my phone and post directly to say...Blogger. lol
I also ordered eight more cloth diapers and 10 bamboo inserts, oh, and 100 liners. Once I get settled into the diapering routine with the next one, I'm going to switch Laeah to cloth. Then, at about two months, I'll switch the baby to cloth if things are going all right. I'll only have a total of 10 cloth diapers for a little while, so I'll be doing a lot of laundry, but I plan on buying at least two diapers per month if I'm satisfied. I was just afraid of buying too many of one kind and then discovering I don't like them or they don't fit Laeah's petite frame. So, I'm starting with cheapies--Alva, Kawaii, and Apple Blossom (found on Zulily, so they may be just like Alvas).
Speaking of Laeah. She once again has a double ear infection and a sinus infection. Ughh. She doesn't complain nearly as much as other babies, so for that I'm grateful. I was told if she gets another ear infection soon, though, we'll have to get tubes. She was cute yesterday because she finally said "Mama" to where I could hear her. I told her, "It sounded like you just said Mama." I tell you, it sounded just like she said, "I did." Little stinker.
Hope you're having a lovely holiday. We are blanketed in snow right now and my girls are having fun playing. I haven't stepped outside, however, and Adallae hasn't gotten to play because she's sick :( She enjoys looking at it through the window, though :)
Good luck to you! I hope you have a smooth delivery and a healthy baby in your arms so soon! I'm excited to hear what name you've chosen. The blanket you're making her looks so pretty.
ReplyDeleteHope your little Laeah heals soon! And good luck also on the cloth diapering. We cloth diaper and really love it.