Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Traditions

We don't have many out-of-the-ordinary Christmas traditions (or at least what I would consider so), but this is my one tradition since I was a very little girl.  My mother would put a pile of Christmas records on the record player in the foyer, and I would sit in the living room on the old, uncomfortable green sofa that weighed a ton and was therefore never moved from the house (until it was sold, I believe).  The room would be dark, the Christmas lights would be flashing in multi-color brilliance, and the flames of Christmas candles would flicker in the dark.  It may have been 80 degrees outside (it was Tucson, after all), but it was Christmas.  Anyway, without further ado:

Merry Christmas!


  1. LOL! Just the other day I was thinking back to the old days...we were at your house listening to Christmas records! We certainly had some good time didn't we?!

  2. I didn't even remember playing this for you! lol Strange what each of us remembers...what else was on the playlist?

  3. I don't think you played this one, but I remember playing "Alvin and the Chipmunks...I guess I was referring to the memory of the records itself. Remember when we wanted to go caroling, but we couldn't get anyone to show up for practice? It was just you, Laura and me- party poopers! lol


I'm listenin'--and your comments are sooo appreciated!