Monday, December 13, 2010

Hedgy the Hedgehog Ornament

It hit me last week that I will need a Christmas present for Lovely's teacher....this week.  What could I get?  What could I make?  I love crafts, but I have so little time...then I came up with an idea.  A hedgehog!  It's the class pet, so surely her teacher would like it, right?  I thought of a design in my head, created a pattern, and got sewing.  Three hours and three hedgehog-wannabes later, I was no closer to a present good enough for someone who helps guide my daughter every day. 

What to do..what to do...And then I came upon this pattern on the web.  Check it out--it's adorable!  And sew easy!  One stop at the fabric store tonight and two hours later, I have a completed holiday ornament for Lovely's teacher!  Yay! 
This is the back of the hedgehog.

Here's the front.

Voila!  (Sorry, I don't know the symbols to use for this blog to properly write voila)

I did adjust the size of the hedgehog pattern, and I used flowered material for the front and striped material for the back.  I used felt leavish-shapes (hand-cut--I don't have the right die for my Sissix) for the quills, and I scrunched up some felt for the nose.  I used purple buttons for the eyes and pink ribbon for the hanger.  If a hanger is unwanted, you could actually hide it under the felt :) 

I feel so crafty today!  What's your craft story?
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  1. I'm craft stumped! lol I'm trying to think of something the kids can make for my parents....I'm running out of time too! =O

  2. So cute! You did a great job on this little hedgehog. I spent my evening working on the blanket and a stuffed monkey.

  3. Hey Ang.....a cute craft for kids to make someone...wood magnets for the fridge. Mine made them last year for both grandparents. What is cool too is they stay on fridge all year long. Walmart has a bunch for super cheap. Kids paint them and wala!

  4. Hey! Good idea, JoJo! I think I will check that out! THanks!


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