Monday, March 21, 2011

La Rosita...and Blooms

We tried a new restaurant this weekend:  La Rosita on Pearl Street in New Albany.  We are usually pretty hesitant about trying something new because a) our kids are so picky and b) we have kids :-P

To sum up our visit:

Final Grade: B+

Pros:  Easy parking, lots of tables, nice atmosphere (March Madness is happening, you know!), quick service, distinct Mexican flavor
Cons:  Music was a little loud (mariachi sound system), more expensive than other Mexican food we've eaten, husband didn't care for all of the distinct flavors, chips & salsa cost $

However, look at the four choices of salsa you get from your $2.50 (in four squeeze bottles):  from top left, clockwise:  spicey, tomato (more than just tomato paste), mild (smokey chipotle flavor), and guacamole (my favorite!)

I had to try one of their famous HUGE quesadillas.  HUGE isn't a big enough word to cover my steak, chicken, cheese, sour cream, and lettuce quesadilla.  This was vonderful!
Taco kid's meal Snugglebug didn't like because "it SMELLED."  Speaking of Snugglebug, here's the first funny joke she's really told:  Knock-knock.  Who's there?  Piggy.  Piggy who?  Piggy your nose!
She was rolling!
Open floor plan of the restaurant
Ok, I know this is a different subject, but I walked out of work today and saw these blossoms on the tree in front of the library--blossoms that weren't there a week ago.  I couldnt't resist taking a picture.


Have you noticed the blossoms yet?
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  1. Yup! My trees are budding and the neighbors Bradford pear is blooming too! After this 80 degree day I would say spring is here! Yipee!

  2. i love reading about local restaurants! i really like la rosita. you'll have to write about other restaurants you guys try out.

    i've been so happy that spring is here. i even pretended it didn't snow this morning. so glad it's spring!


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