Monday, March 14, 2011

On the Menu

Monday Night Menu: Gina's Pork Chops with Dijon Herb Sauce and Baked Seasoned Fries (and frozen corn on the cob and chocolate pudding)
I used to cook.  I really did.  Promise.  Past posts (very past) will testify to that.  So although I learned I was really out of practice, tonight was a nice cooking experience that reminded me...I secretly enjoy cooking (just not the mess..hint, hint, Hubby Dearest).

With cooking memories in mind, I decided to focus this post on my all-time favorite cooking blog:
Ginna's Skinny Recipes. She create the blog for those following the Weight Watcher's points systems (both old and new). The idea was to give powerful flavor to low fat/calorie dishes so people losing weight would actually enjoy their new way of life.

Ok. With that said, I am not on Weight Watchers (although I probably should be), but I still love these recipes! That's how you know a good cooking blog--even when it's diet, it's still super tasty! Hubby likes the recipes as well, and the girls usually do, even though they are extremely picky eaters. (HOW I have a child who doesn't like much cheese or ketchup, I'll NEVER know)

Yummy! The above is my version of the pork chops that really boiled instead of fried, but I was ok with that--they were still tasty and are now one of Snugglebug's favorite dishes! She ate 2.5 pork chops! These are thinner than Gina's, so I reduced cooking time slightly.  I'm also not a fan of the texture of onions, so I scraped mine off onto Hubby's plate :)

Of all things not to have on hand, I was missing oregano! I couldn't believe it. But, I found some pizza seasoning and used that instead. I didn't have the Greek yogurt for the garlic aioli that goes with these, either, so ketchup had to suffice!

What's for dinner at your house?
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1 comment:

  1. We had Oriental Cashew Chicken (homemade of course) which is loaded with veggies and egg rolls with homemade sweet/sour sauce (the egg rolls were homemade but not by my hands). We had homemade Chinese at the Browne'e yesterday with Bro. & Sis. Konzelman too...she made the egg rolls. All was very yummy!


I'm listenin'--and your comments are sooo appreciated!