Thursday, July 28, 2011

Weekly Happenings

Hello.  It's nice to see you again.  My last post was meant to help and show the craftier side of me, but at the same time, it seemed so much more impersonal than some of my other posts.  So, today I get a little personal (but not too much!). 

Yesterday, I finally dropped off my culminating project for my MA degree.  I handed it over and was told, "Congratulations."  I had no idea such a small word would make such a huge emotional impact.  I replied, "Thank you.  Thank you very much," (minus the Elvis tone), turned around, and walked out the door, all the while with eyes misting up.  Walking out of that office reminded me of all the struggles I've been through (personally, financially, academically, spiritually), all the work I've done, all the insurmountable stress I was under...for years.  I've dealt with feelings of guilt from leaving my girls and leaving the house a mess, and regret for not getting finished with school earlier.  However, everything has its time and its season.  I know. 

I've been a wife, a mother, a part-time (and full-time) worker, a full-time student, my husband's business assistant, a Christian, and now I can't believe I'm finished juggling grad school.  Graduate school was a hundred times harder than undergrad--perhaps because I was older, perhaps because my children were older--but I sincerely believe the work required was also much more demanding.  I still have a conversation with my readers next Friday regarding my CP, but I believe all will be well.  Then, it will really be over.  I have no idea if I'll stay dry-eyed when I pick up my degree; I'm not an overtly sappy person normally.  Sure, I bawl at the occassional movie or book (I think I was the only crier in the class when we read Uncle Tom's Cabin), but I tend to keep my emotions underwraps unless I'm in the comfort of my own home (which is where I read Uncle Tom's Cabin).

And now I must plan for my classes.  I already have a "suggested" assignment in my teacher's manual that I completely disagree with, so I'll have to scout out a replacement.  I'm wondering how my class will like me.  I'm wondering how differently I'll teach now that I know more about teaching writing.  Let the new adventure begin.

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