Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl? Superdowner!

So much for trying to be skinny at a Superbowl party! Ha! Like that could really happen! I ate way too much, didn't exercise at all, felt "blah" all day, and then my team goes and loses the game! What a day! The back of my mind is saying, I should have gone to church instead! But, I woke up early, with a sinus headache, and felt awful. That continued the entire day.

I have been keeping up with the boxing, and I know I need to go at it even harder, but it's so difficult to find the time in this homeschool mom's life! So, I'm just promising myself to do my best, and that's what I'll do. I don't have a goal of being skinny. I just have a goal of being me. So, as long as I'm healthy, I will be happy :)

Tonight, I have lots of exercise to make-up. I ate ribs, beans, a few hot wings, queso, and cobbler yesterday. And it wreaked havoc on my body! So, today has been a different story: salad....yummy!

Now, I plan on starting an actual Homeschool Help Blog, but I'm trying to come up with a good title. I've done so much homeschool research that I feel my efforts will be wasted unless I do something with the knowledge I've gained. I plan on having a blog, but I eventually want to create an entire website as well. Then, with more experience and more schooling, perhaps I'll create my own curriculum and eventually become a homeschool advocate for others. We'll see!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about your superbowl downer! Mine wasn't very good either, but it could have been worse! =) I've been checking your blog to see if you had any updates....several times I went to add a comment and it would ask me to sign in and I couldn't remember my password (I finally found my little "black book" with my passwords so now I'm good!). However, for some strange reason it would take me directly to my blog with making me sign in. Grrrr!
    Keep up the good work on your boxing. I'm proud of you for sticking with it! Our goal should always be to be healthy, but hey if we get skinny along the way then WHOOPEE!!!!! We do need to get together and's always more fun. Catch ya later!


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