Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Punchin', Punchin', Punchin'

Why do I like boxing so much? I just can't understand it. Now, I know why I could never stick with exercising: I hadn't found an exercise I actually had fun doing, with the exception of swimming, a slight problem for this midwest mama without a pool. I have exercised for 8 days straight--that's right! I boxed everyday except Saturday, when I did the Wii Active. I really pushed myself tonight to the point that my arms felt like they were whipped bags of air--perhaps I've turned into that Verizon wind-balloon thing they stick in front of their stores to catch your attention? Who knows! After I finished two warm-ups and a full workout (totaling 34 mins), I did the jogging/punching exercise for an additional 9 mins. Woohoo! And I thought I did a lot yesterday with my measley 40 minute exercise! Ha! I've already reached the "Special" lessons in boxing, though, so I'm hoping I will continue this drive to exercise despite repeating lessons that I have already practiced.

I did eat poorly today, but I got on the scale today and I am down 4 lbs from my all-time high of a couple months back (which shall remain numberless until and after I go to my grave, Lord willing). So, I am happy about that. I made a muscle for Steven yesterday and I said, "Look! I know it's small, but there's finally one there!" I'm so excited! Now, today, I had two pieces of pizza from the Whole Foods Take & Bake pizza, but I had a salad for lunch. Granted, I had Coke, but I was Cokeless yesterday, and I drank a ton of water tonight while exercising.

Well, until tomorrow!

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