Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pain Called and I Answered

It's been a few days, so here is a little update on progress....

The other day I was in a time-bind (something that happens all too frequently around here), so with only an hour to eat lunch and being out and about, we had Mexican for lunch. Not a good choice since I don't like most Mexican dishes, with the exception of cheese enchiladas, rice, and beans. So, I ate it and regretted it, as usual. To top the problem, I also had Coke to go with it, but to my defense, the waiter brought it out to us before we even ordered--he knows what I've been ordering for a couple years now and doesn't need to ask! So, I felt EXTREMELY guilty of my food delights for the day. Next, I went to school and after coming back, later that night, we were hungry. What did my husband do? He made Pizza Pockets, a.k.a. Fat Soaked in Grease. Yes, I ate them and would have ravaged them had they not been so unbelievably hot!

This horrible day did have a positive impact, however. I struggled to get out of bed the next morning, but I made myself since I knew how badly I had eaten the day before. Yesterday (Wednesday), my wonderful husband promised our girls ice cream if they behaved in church, so once again, I fought the temptation of a sweet treat. I lost. Thusly, I found even more inspiration to workout again last night before bed. Despite what "they" say, I fell right to sleep when I went to bed. Then, I struggled to get up this morning and overslept by two hours! Ack! So, now I'm behind on exercise today, but I will do it this evening. I can really feel my workout from yesterday, though, so I'm happy.

The cardio boxing is going well. This is the first exercise program that I've been able to stick to because of it's challenge and it's entertainment. I love punching! haha I threw over 2100 punches yesterday, which is pretty high for the game. I also played my husband six games of tennis after playing six games earlier that morning. Dare I count the bowling I did on the Wii as well? No, I better not.

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