Monday, January 18, 2010

Kicking the Coke

Ok, so I fell down at my post, once again. The point is, I'm getting back up, right? (Wow! I haven't used that many cliches in a while!) Today is Monday, and I'm starting my goal for March. I would like to lose at least 10 lbs by March 15. I wish it could be more, but I'm starting out with a smaller number so I can feel encouraged to go on. To start, let's talk about scheduling.

My husband walked into the office last night after I printed my color-coded schedule for this week. I broke my day down into half-hour segments, then I color coded them. For instance, "free time" and "relax" are both green because I can do what I want, as long as I'm preparing for the next slot on my schedule. I was feeling extremely overwhelmed as a homeschool mom, a graduate student, an office administrator for my husband's business, a tutor, a wife, a mother....along with all the jobs that fall into subcategories! Whew! So far, this schedule has definitely lessened my stress, despite my husband telling me I am an A-type personality!

To start my schedule, I have Bible time listed at 6:30 a.m. I didn't make it up that early this morning (because I was up late making the schedule), but this will be my time to read, pray, and think on things most important to my heart and soul. Next, I start exercising at 7 a.m. I did wake up in time for this, so I worked out for approx. one hour. I've been doing Gold's Gym Cardio Boxing on the Wii, which really makes you sweat! I've been thrilled with the game, although the controllers aren't registering ALL of my punches/ducks/weaves, which is frustrating. Next, I played four games of tennis on Wii Sports, as a cool down.

As for food, I entitled this post "Kicking the Coke" because I'm addicted to the soft drink, Coke. I admit it; I do not deny it. Today, I drank Sprite for lunch because the drinks are free with the meal (which was a salad) and I figured it was the lesser evil compared to Coke. As I type this, I'm beginning to salivate for the fizzing shock of caffeine upon which I've grown dependent, but I'm taking each minute at a time and resisting. My goal is to only drink soft drinks on the weekends, if at all.

Over the weekend, I did have a chance to watch "Food, Inc., " It wasn't as horrible as I had expected after hearing my friends' reviews, but there is no way I want to continue feeding such processed food to my children. I plan on shopping more organic isles in the grocery store, and make special trips to the Organic stores. Hopefully, the food will be healthier, more filling, and result in greater health and energy so that my family and I will become (or remain) a healthy weight just from the energy expended.

That's enough of my ramblings for the day. Maybe I'll write more tomorrow ;-)

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