Saturday, June 19, 2010

Finding Motivation

I admit, it's been difficult to find motivation of late.  It seems June has been busier than the rest of the year for one reason or another.  Now, I'm just a little more fearful of August! 

I hope July calms down a bit--I've had something going each week in June.  This morning was the garage sale, where I didn't make a fortune, but at least I made up some of the money I've spent on homeschool supplies!  lol  I got up extremely early for me (5:30 a.m.), and now I'm just wondering how on earth I can find motivation to get up early everyday (well, not THAT early..but earlIER). 

Last night was the homeschool meeting, and I volunteered to be secretary since no one else wanted the position and I knew I should be good at it since the Lord has given me skills that help with organization, listening, writing, etc.  (I was an administrative/office assistant/secretary for about eight years.)  However, there were still a couple people who would rather have no secretary than me...which simply baffles me.  Honestly, I am so tempted to resign because I don't want to make anyone unhappy, and yet I know that would be letting others down, and I don't want to do that, either.  Unfortunately, an analogy to my last job comes to mind...some students loved my classes, but there were always a couple who felt..."unhappy" with me.  It was easy to write those opinions off, but this is much harder to deal with, probably because I feel anyone who is willing to honestly help the kids and help the group and who has prayed about the decision to take such a role should be supported....but I better stop rambling!  I have a birthday party to attend...and a present to buy before I get there!

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! 


  1. I completely understand what you're saying! There was more yes's than no's right?

    The Lord gave me a scripture, and I want to share it with you. I hope it will encourage you.

    Thanks for your support!!!

    1 Peter 2:15-20

  2. Awwww Jennifer! I was feeling it FOR you guys last night. I realized last night it would have been my undoing for me to hear "no's" for myself if I had run. Its tuff. I found myself scanning the "not so large" crowd last night wondering who marked the "no's" I took it personal for you guys.:(
    It made me even more sad that so many didn't come. So many seemed to concerned before, where were all of them last night?!

    I believe we are going to have a great year. Love you so much!!!

  3. Thank you so much for the scripture, Sha! That really helped...I've been struggling with the "no's" off and on all day today! And thank you, Jo, for understanding how tough it is and always being there with a smile of support! You guys are the best!

    I will continue forth, trying to do my best as I serve the Lord with all my heart! Which means I will be serving the "no" people, but for His Glory, I can definitely deal with that :)

  4. I too was scanning the crowd wondering, "Why!?" There is just some folks we will never figure out. Keep looking back to the letter...the vote will reflect the Mind of the Lord" I like that! God knew who would be there that night and how it would turn out. As long as we're serving Him with all our heart that's all that really matters. Love you all! 8D

  5. I didn't really scan the crowd--so maybe I'm wrong on who I thought it was, but I know it doesn't matter anyway, now that you guys left such reassuring and helpful comments. Everything works to His glory, as we know =)

    Love you guys!


I'm listenin'--and your comments are sooo appreciated!