Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I had planned to go to Kroger and my favorite, Whole Foods, today, along with one of the libraries.  I had planned to go early in the morning, so I wouldn't have to slave in the heat.  I had PLANNED, you see.

Then, I heard this strange beeping in my dream...it was incessant...I mean, it just wouldn't stop; and so, I woke up around 1:30 a.m., only to find the power had gone out and our phones were out of charge, which caused them to beep.  After dismantling them both in the dark, I remembered Hubby's handy-dandy miner's light that attaches to a headband/hat, and used that to call the electric company on the only phone that's actually attached to a wall. Finally, I went back to bed, only to discover "no's" still running through my head, and so I couldn't sleep...for a long, long while.

This is my long excuse for waking up at 8:50 a.m. instead of 7 as I had planned.  After dragging the kids out of bed, I dropped them at Mom's and went to Kroger...hi ho, hi ho, groceries cost a fortune, don't you know... Sorry, don't you break into song in the middle of your thoughts, as well? 

After that, I picked the girls up and Mom, headed to the library, only to find people in line ahead of me AGAIN to get the summer book points calculated.  (Why can't I ever be at the head of the line, just the end?!) 

Then, we headed to one of my all-time favorite restaurants, Rafferty's.  I tried to be good, I really, really did.  I ordered a grilled chicken wrap.  And then I came home and looked up the nutritional value on the computer:  711 calories, 2.63 grams of fiber, and....dum dee dee duummm...28.59 grams of fat!  ACK! I was afraid of that!  So, any suggestions for ordering better at that restaurant that is still tasty? 

I printed out a bunch of recipes for this week from my favorite, Gina's Skinny WW Recipes (I LOVE that woman for creating such a YUMMY site).  Therefore, I spent more on groceries, but at least I'm making an effort to eat healthy the rest of the week.  Now, if only I could find time for exercise...


  1. At least you're trying! What was in the wrap? Could you ask them to hold anything inside of it to lighten it up? Most of the time I ask waiters to have the dressings put on the side (which are often included in wraps). This way you can leave it out or add just a small amount. Also asking them to omit the cheese really helps....I know...you love the cheese! I do too!

    What did you have for a side? Anything?

    Don't give up! =D

  2. I cringe at going out to eat anymore. I just don't do it. I took kids to chickfila yesterday real quick before Dr. and didn't even atempt anything...cept Iced tea. We went to Olive Garden last night and I got soup and salad. I could only imagine what calorie intake mushroom raviolis my dinner guest's meal had..lol!

  3. LOL...I checked the ultimate club sandwich I always used to order and found it has 82 grams of FAT! YIKES! Yes, I'll order fat free ranch on the side next time, but the Parm. cheese really didn't add much, so I'm not leaving that out! I had a feeling I should omit the dressing, but I was leery of the wrap to begin with. Now I know it's good, so I can order it healthier next time. Oh, and I didn't have any sides...except a taste of Snugglebug's lunch!


I'm listenin'--and your comments are sooo appreciated!