Friday, January 3, 2014

Nursing Cover.  Pattern found at Craftaholics Anonymous

Hello!  I can't believe it, but the last time I remember seeing my old nursing cover, I was pulling it out of my diaper bag saying, "I won't need this for a few more months."  I set it aside and now...who knows where it went! 

So, instead of spending $20+ on a new one, I decided to spend around $15 to make one.  Honestly, it only cost that much because I wanted a particular heavier cotton, even though I wasn't as crazy about the patterns.  Weight was important because I wanted a fabric that would stay in place, despite the wriggles of Jules!  

Anyway, I thought, "It's a rectangle.  Certainly I can't go wrong with sewing a rectangle!"  Those of you who know my history with sewing may instantly raise your hands in objection, and yes, you have grounds to do so!  Everything went pretty well (or so I thought) until I finished everything and tried it on.  Suddenly I found myself wondering, "Why is it so LONG?"  

You guessed it.  I sewed it like an apron with the straps on the narrow edge.  Why?  Who knows.  My brain just doesn't work right when planning the creation and ending of a pattern.  Thankfully, it wasn't that hard of a fix:  I took off the straps and boning, moved them to the correct side, opened one side of the pocket, and sewed the other side closed.  And of course, ran out of thread twice while making the corrections.  Cool thing about this project:  I learned what boning is and practiced sewing it on.  The boning is in place at the neck so I can see the baby underneath the cover and not have to wonder what on earth is going on down there!  

Now, I just pray I continue being successful at nursing.  I have pumped a lot, but we have to introduce the bottle in two weeks so my mom can feed Jules once on the two days per week that I work.  I will only be gone 3.5 hours 2 days per week, so she should only need to feed once.  

So what projects have you messed up on this year?  Do share and make me feel better!

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