Friday, August 20, 2010

Mango Bummifications

So bummed am I!  A few months ago I discovered mangos--a yummy, good-for-you food.  I only ate part of one because I was cooking with it, but after a while, I got a horridly upset stomach.  I wondered if it was the mango itself, so I did a computer search and came back empty handed.

This week, I decided to give it another go.  I made a peach-mango smoothie, which was pretty good.  However, after about 45 minutes, I started getting really nauseated.  A little while later, my stomach felt absolutely terrible!  I lay on the sofa for a couple hours, and my stomach is still a little upset.  So, I decided to do another internet search and here is what I found...This guy seems to have the same allergy (I know nothing else about his website, but this article was useful to me), but he's "taking it back" and working up a tolerance for mangos.  Sorry, bub, but I don't have the time.  The allergy is caused by the Urushiol found in the mango (it's also found in poison ivy).  This article just speaks of a rash, but since the other guy got a rash after becoming ill, I'm guessing it's the same problem.  I'm just thankful I didn't eat an entire mango! 


  1. I'm so sorry...I couldn't live without mangos! Mangos are my favorite fruit.


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