Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Dog Ate My Computer

Ok, so my dog didn't really eat my computer.  Actually, I don't even have a dog, truth be told.  But, I do have two little troublemakers around the house... All right, it wasn't their faults, either.  I don't know what happened, other than my laptop is now over 5.5 yrs old.  It went pop! and now it no longer turns on.  My nephew mentioned something about something liquifying...you get the picture.

So...I went online and purchased another laptop.  Not the Apple I originally wanted, but another Toshiba because that's what my old one was and let's face it:  people avoid change if it can be helped.  On the upside, I customized it & got a terrific Mother's Day discount of $265 (plus another discount of $150), so I hope I like what I get!  Actually, I couldn't get a Mac b/c they don't work with Quickbooks Payroll yet, according to the Apple Store Techies, and I need that function for Hub's business. 

Long story short, it might be another week or two before I really get started blogging again.  I had all these great catch-up blog post plans, that simply must be postponed. 

In the mean time, maybe I'll get around to--you know--cleaning my house? 


  1. Bummer about having to make the big purchase, but hey! you get a new laptop! Sweet! I would have thought the Quickbooks would have worked if you installed the Parallels program which creates a pc within the mac...there is also another program that does the same thing but I don't remember the name at the moment. That's what they use at VGR to run programs that need Windows.

    Interested in playing any tennis or walking? I'm trying to ramp up my workouts! Burn baby burn! lol

    Anywho, catch up with ya later.

  2. Correction- they use the other program at VGR. I reread what I wrote and it sounded like I was saying they used Parallels. 8-O

  3. No, the program/info for Quickbooks is too big for a laptop so I'd have to get a desktop, which isn't what I want right now. Basically, the Apple people actually told me an Apple wasn't right for me for meeting those needs...and why wouldn't they want to sell another computer?

  4. lol At least they were honest with you.


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