Monday, May 7, 2012

What I've Been Up To: Snugglebug's Six!

I decided to go all out for Snugglebug's 6th Birthday because  I've decided birthday parties will only happy every 2-3 years in order to give the Mommy time to recoup.  I let Snugglebug decide on what theme she wanted, and I took it from there.

Theme: Owls.  Night Owl Party, to be exact. I found this cute idea for an invite on Pinterest, located here.  Mine isn't quite as symmetrical, but it still came out pretty cute, I thought!  The wings are tacked on with tiny brads that once lost, will never be found.  I had no idea they could be made so small!

 This was the first time I attempted sculpting an animal from Rice Crispies covered in fondant.  I must say, it was sooo much fun!  Everything you see is a yummy buttercream fondant, except for the white base of the cake (and the lollipops, of course!). The basic owl design came from here.

When kids started arriving, Snugglebug started posing.

Here is the Owl Mask Making table.  There was also a ceramic owl painting table, but I wasn't sure if those kids' parents would want them on my blog.  I let Snugglebug invite four friends from class (1 didn't show) and I let Lovely invite two friends.  Then, we invited my mom's neighbor's girl (the party was in my mom's basement--not good for photo lighting!) and a family friend.  

Here is the Night Owl bed table, which you can find here.  I drew a headboard at the top and the kids sat on the floor around the "bed."  I placed napkins under plates, with clear silverware, empty goodie bags, and fancy plastic goblets I decorated with curly ribbon.  I also placed candy jewelry at each spot.

Snugglebug got some funky teeth as part of her present from me.

We had an egg hunt outside.

Then we hatched eggs for prizes (balloons filled with erasers and plastic rings).

Cake time! 

Gift time!  I always had the giver sit on the chair next to Snugglebug while gifts were opened. 

The beginning of Snugglebug's funky faces...

Notice the black feet?  My child NEVER wears shoes. 

Posing in front of the really bad, really fast owl cut out I made for the party to decorate the walls.  I had to use crayons...I'm embarrassed now...

Each child also received a handmade bookmark from the party.  Of course, it says Snugglebug's name at the bottom.
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