Tuesday, August 16, 2011

First Day of First Grade and Kindergarten

I used to be a homeschool mom.  I still may (and probably will) be one again in a few years.  Until then, these are the smiles that remind me it's OK to let go...just a little bit...when you've prayed and have faith.

Lovely is now in first grade.  She has an actual school desk instead of a table.  She has school friends.  She has changed so much in the past year, becoming more confident in her decisions, objecting when she sees wrong-doing, and being her sweet self who loves shooting a bow, climbing anything, and living outside in 114 degree weather when the rest of us would rather relax in our air conditioned rooms.
I can't say I ever received a smile this big when I told her it was time to do school at home (but I'm sure lots of other homeschool moms have, so I'm hoping it will happen for me someday!).  Last night, she said, "I wish school was today!"  I hope her enthusiasm endures.

This is Snugglebug's first day of Kindergarten.  She looked like a little lost puppy when I walked her into her classroom.  I walked out thinking of the many layers that make Snugglebug Snugglebug--so timid and unsure on the outside, such a bubbling, jubilant little girl on the inside.  Her latest sayings:  "It burns like chicken" and "I'm going to giggle you 'till you die."  Oh, and she picked the homemade headband to wear :)
She didn't like that she wasn't "smiling" for this pic, but I'd rather have this than that fake smile she has going for her these days.  You would think a kid who laughs as much as she does would know how to "really" smile now and then.

I dropped off the girls' supplies, walked them to their seats, and drove away, looking for my little girls in the backseat.  As I continued to look in the rear view mirror at their empty carseats, I mentally mapped out my plans for the rest of the day and wondered what silence would greet me at home.  At least the guinea pig will keep me company :)
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