Friday, August 19, 2011

The things we go through for blogs...

Phew!  I can't believe how much time I just spent working on this header thing.  I think technology is getting way ahead of me--I can't believe I created my own website at one time using HTML that was self-learned!  Now, I'd just throw my hands in the air and run screaming from the room!  {Are you hearing the echos of my frantic footsteps?} 

I think I'll just stick with what I have for the time being.  I created it in Photoshop Elements, and although I took a Photoshop class at one time, that was before any babies, and boy has my memory evaporated since that time!  So, even if you don't love my header, would you mind telling me what you do like about it?  lol  The funny thing about it all is that I only have 10 followers {although the 10th in anonymous}, and I rarely receive comments/feedback, but I cherish blogging and having an outlet with written memories of our daily life.  For those who comment, thank you :)

In other news, the girls' school is going well.  Lovely LOVES school--she thinks the math games are AWESOME and she adores the science experiments {sounds a bit nerdy, now that I think about it, lol}.  Honestly, I don't know whose child she is.  I wasn't a fan of math, despite advanced placement, and I really didn't like science.  Maybe we just didn't do such cool stuff in 1st grade?  Snugglebug, on the other hand, tells me she likes school, but she never says she has a great day.  She makes friends easily enough {including a new best friend whom she doesn't know the name of}, but she always forgets what she did in the day.  However, once she recovers from temporary amnesia, her face lights up as she sings "Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" from school or she remembers something she did. 

Now, about me.  I have been procrastinating yet again.  I just haven't had energy.  Nope, none.  I exercised a little this morning, but that was after I went back to bed after dropping off the girls.  Then, I fell asleep as Lovely was watching one of the original Star Wars tonight {I never thought I'd have a girl who loves Star Wars--that sounds a bit nerdy, too, lol}.  I need to get my 2nd class planned, but I've only made it to pg. 20 of the teacher's manual--30 pages to go and then a schedule to create.  My goal is to get the entire schedule finished tomorrow so I can type up the syllabi by Monday night.  However, I have two orientations to attend this week, as well, in the evenings of course.  I'm looking forward to them.  I've spent the last 16 yrs in jobs that I just waited to "finish," so I pray this job is one I want to continue doing.  I loved teaching before, but the situation just wasn't working, and S & I fought a lot of battles those 17 months.  Yet, I was brought to tears by students who thanked me, who said they never felt like the teacher cared before, who said they never felt they could be as open in their writing before.  And to think:  As a child, I always said I didn't want to be a teacher.  Hmph.  Which leads me to my question of the blog post:

What have you been called to do that you never thought you could/would do?


  1. A teacher. Plain and simple. I may not be great at all the other things in life that I "do" day in and day out, but I enjoy doing them. I do not enjoy teaching. Horrible huh? Honest though;) But I am proud that I am doing it because I feel lead to do it and it is what the Lord wants.

    Loving your blog lately:) I have to say I am envious of I could only imagine what delicious silence there would be and freedom if my kids went off to school..haha I'm going to stop now.

  2. Thanks :) Teaching is such a difficult task, and yet few realize how difficult until they are covered in ink stains among endless stacks of papers and books, trying to remember the patience they once had. I'm envious of your resolve to be the best teacher you can be, even though it is not what you intended in life. I'm sure I'll end up homeschooling in a few years, once girls become even more dramatic at school. Right now, I do admit--I enjoy my time and I really like the girls' teachers (rarely do you find a teacher who has been teaching for more than 25 years--Abby's is the best. I do plan on volunteering at school and substituting when needed, though :)


I'm listenin'--and your comments are sooo appreciated!