Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Countdown to My Degree!

Yay!  My culminating project discussion is Friday at 1 p.m.!  I'm nervous, but pretty much blocking it out of my mind at this point.  I feel so inept, but I can't study all the theories of the sublime and uncanny--I can only concentrate on what I've used for my paper.  I pray my readers aren't too harsh with me and that they can't tear my paper to pieces, but I've been assured I'll graduate no matter what--it's just getting through the discussion of my paper without bursting into tears that I'm worried about!  I'll appreciate your thoughts on Friday! 

I need to keep planning for my classes.  My first class has 9 out of 15 students, my next class has 20 out of 20, and my evening class only has 2 out of 20--I'm sincerely hoping there are some more evening students who decide, "Hey, I need to learn to write better.  How 'bout I take this one?"  I've also emailed my daughters' school about subbing to make a little extra $$ if possible. --Even if it doesn't pay that much, there's no extra gas involved and I'd get to be where my girls are all day long.  I'll also volunteer for field trips, class parties, etc.  I'm really looking forward to the school year because I finally feel like I've arrived at a place instead of continually journeying onward to where I want to be someday.  I've been in school for longer than I care to admit, and to finally be done, well, let's just say I'll be relieved.  I know life is a journey and we are to continually better ourselves, but at this point, I don't see myself getting a PhD, so my college journey is over, except for an occassional class I may take now and then.  Perhaps a knitting class?  heehee.

I've been doing extra schoolwork with the girls over the summer to get them in shape for school.  It's actually been a lot easier than when I was trying to homeschool--I think I'm a little more relaxed, and Snugglebug makes funny voices when she doesn't know how to do something instead of crying hysterically like her sister did.  So, if/when we homeschool in the future, I might not be quite as downtrodden each day!  Snugglebug didn't even know 1/2 of the alphabet during her K eval in June, but I've gotten her to read words and sentences over the past few days--woohoo!

Another milestone--Lovely can finally swim pretty far without her lifevest--another yay!  What milestones have you passed lately? 


  1. I think it's time to update this post to MASTERED!!!! =D CONGRATULATIONS....YOU DID IT! YOU SURVIVED WITHOUT STROKING OUT! LOL

  2. Wow! That is so awesome you are done! I'm so glad for you! CONGRATULATIONS!!! God bless you and I pray that everything goes wonderfully in your new job! (hug)

  3. Thank you both! I was half-asleep this morning and said, "Done." S asked, "What did you say??" I realized I was still thinking about being done!


I'm listenin'--and your comments are sooo appreciated!